Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women

Women in Ministry – Global Perspectives

Dear Readers,

I am going to be taking a short break from the weekly posts. I am going to study for a Doctor of Ministry degree. The track is called, “Leadership in Global Perspectives”. I am really excited about this opportunity.

My doctoral dissertation will be about women in ministry. I would like to write a book – a devotional – that includes stories of women that God has used in Kingdom work. God has called His daughters to serve in the Kingdom all through history and from all parts of the globe – hence the appropriateness of the Global Perspectives’ track.

My blog posts include over 200 women now. I would like to research the stories of 165(6) more from Africa, Asia, South America, Australia, the Islands, and other minority ethnic groups in Europe and North America. This devotional should be a daily encouragement to women to answer their call from God as so many others have done before them.

An important reason for writing the book is to show that God does indeed use women in ministry. But equally important is a list of resources for women to use. I have been blessed by each and every book or article I have read. An important part of the devotional will be a bibliography in the back containing a list of the many books available. Other women will be blessed too as they read these inspiring stories.


So, I am off to London for 10 days with my colleagues. We will be studying global issues and how to minister more effectively to all cultures.   Christianity has always been a global religion, but now that the world has “shrunk” we have the opportunity to reach every nation with the Gospel.

There is only one place in the Scriptures that gives us an indication of when Christ will return. “The gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) Now with technology, GPS, easy travel, more cooperation between some countries, and the many new Mission Organizations I believe that we can reach every nation. This is exciting for all of us who look for and love His appearing.

When I return, we will pick up with fourteenth-century Christian mystics. In the meantime, check out some of the books listed in the Reviews. They will give you much to think about.



2 Responses

  1. Glory to the almighty for using u for his kingdom word. I am a young minister of God from Cape Town, South Africa. I have recently started my own blog on wordpress. Hallelujah God is calling our woman to step out to proclaim the gospel 🙌

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“We’re trying to show what the church could mean to the world if it lived by what it preached.”

~ Mother Waddles