Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women

“Visit the orphans…”

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

For centuries the Church has considered it her duty to follow this mandate from Scripture. In the 1st and 2nd centuries Christians rescued the unwanted babies that were tossed into the river by the Roman women who did not want them. The believers adopted them and raised them as their own.

Is it so difficult to see the unwanted baby in the womb as an orphan? Orphans are children who are fatherless and motherless. They are fatherless because men have let the women have the “right to choose” so the fathers are out of the picture. They could, of course, step up to the plate and care for their young if they really wanted to. That is another social issue that should be dealt with elsewhere.

The unwanted baby in the womb is also motherless, since the mother has decided to contract with a doctor to kill the unborn child. This child effectively has no one to love her and no one to care for her. I believe that that makes these children truly orphans and therefore we have an obligation to rescue and care for them.

One woman who has been a shining example of that is Monica Migliorino Miller. Above all, Monica realizes that we are talking about real human beings. These children are rejected and lonely. Monica spent many years rescuing these unwanted children from the trash cans behind the clinics where abortions were performed. Here is what she had to say one night at such a facility:

I was struck by the realization that all of these fetal children had been alive only a few short days ago. Now they lay dead and abandoned, cut from their mothers’ wombs, cut from the human race: corpses of fetal bodies stacked on a loading dock inside an industrial park in boxes marked “for disposal.” As I stood on the edge of the loading dock it seemed my journey and theirs had brought us together at the edge of the world….Abortion wasn’t just about killing – and pro-life work wasn’t just about restoring to the unborn their right-to-life. In the image of those tiny human lives scattered about the loading dock I came to know the true plight of the aborted unborn: they were horribly, frighteningly alone.

I pray that all Christians especially will feel the compassion for the unborn that Monica feels. No, we are not all called to go out at night and rescue aborted babies from trash cans. But we can all do something. Many times on this blog I have begged readers to at least give up one latte a week and send the money to the Pro-life group in your community. There are marches and other things to participate in. The babies need our help more than ever today as the enemy, Satan, has convinced women that the right to their “choice” is the most important thing. “Choice” has become more important than human life. Of course, it is debatable whether or not those who advocate for choice are not just a bunch of hypocrites. If they really wanted “choice” for women they should give it to the unborn women. After all the unborn women are the ones whose lives are at stake.

Today, the religion of convenience and choice is the number one religion among liberals. The high priestess and priest of this religion are Cecile Richards and Barack Obama. They are the false gods of our day. As Christians, we must oppose them.

We must start with prayer “for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity” (I Timothy 2:2). We entreat God not only for our own lives to be peaceable but also for those who cannot entreat for themselves – the unborn.

After entreating God we must get busy and oppose the “war on the unborn”. Current political hype is about the supposed “war on women”. There are two falsehoods to note here. What about the war on unborn women? Don’t they count? And secondly, it’s not really in the best interests of women to have abortions. There is psychological damage to those who kill their children when they realize they really did kill a human being. And there is physical damage done to the woman’s body. Many are unable to conceive later when they want to. Also (see my last blog posting) their risk of cancer increases nearly three fold. So, who is really making war on the women? I maintain that it is those who are using the women they have fooled into following their agenda. Dear women — please wake up and don’t allow yourselves to be someone else’s tool. Think for yourselves.

I would highly recommend Monica’s book, “Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars” (Saint Benedict Press, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2012).

One of the very helpful things in the book is the history of Pro-life efforts in our country over the last 40 years. Monica started her efforts in the early days a few years after “Roe vs. Wade” was passed into law. Those of us that are old enough to remember that still are appalled at the idea that the supreme court could decide that unborn persons are not persons. What sort of insanity is this? But then, it has happened before. Other people groups, like Jews, have been declared non-persons. Monica made the connection between the assault on the unborn and the Holocaust.

In her autobiography, as we follow Monica’s life rescuing the unborn over the years, she explains the changes in the laws in our country that have affected Pro-life efforts. For instance, she used to be able to do sit-ins, not unlike those of Martin Luther King Jr., but laws, like RICO, have been passed. These laws deliberately target Pro-lifers. RICO has been used to jail many who protest in front of abortion clinics. For some reason however those who protest the cutting of trees are allowed to do so without consequence. Here in Oregon, a group of environmental extremists even burned down a Forest Industry building. It’s ok to rescue trees, but not babies.

Another thing you will notice in the story of the changes over the years in the fight against abortion is the increasing hateful attitude of the pro-abortion side. Each time the Pro-life groups make their point, the pro-death people come up with ways to try to stop them. Congress and the media are all complicit in this.

While sit-ins are not allowed anymore for Pro-lifers, we have other new technology such as the Internet that is helping us today. Monica spent countless hours photographing the little bodies of the babies that she rescued from the trash cans behind the abortuaries. Her pictures have helped to convince many that the unborn are real human beings. Nearly fifty percent of the images of aborted babies on the Internet are hers.

And we have ultrasound machines that show the mother that the little being inside of her is indeed a baby. We need to take advantage of these tools, as Monica took advantage of whatever means she had, to rescue the perishing unborn.

If you have been discouraged at the sheer magnitude of the abortion industry, be encouraged by Monica Migliorino Miller. Even one passionate woman can do something!

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“For peace in the world, it takes a bonding together of God’s people who believe in peace.

It takes a bonding together of those who are willing to walk together, for those who are overlooking those idiosyncrasies that have kept us apart.”

~ Rev. Addie L. Wyatt