“He has told you, O man (and woman), what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).
I am a member of the generation that threw bricks through government building windows. In the sixties young people were really searching for truth. Unfortunately, during that time there was much confusion in the minds of everyone. The “death of God” movement was prominent. Most people hated the war going on in Vietnam. It became apparent that the generation ahead of us (our parents) were seemingly only interested in obtaining two cars and two television sets as a mark of success. I know that my parents only wanted for me to have a “better” life than they did, but they interpreted “better” as having more material things. They grew up during the depression and had to sacrifice so many things. But they had something then that they forgot; working together as families toward a cause that they all believed in.
During the sixties, there were protests of all sorts going on and the older generation got the idea that the younger generation was spoiled and ruined. The “generation gap” became increasingly wider. For many years I wasn’t sure if the breach could ever be healed, but in the last few years I’ve seen signs that at least on the part of the younger generation, there is wisdom and healing. My prayer is that my generation will turn to less materialistic things and see the satisfying values that our younger generation desperately longs for as the values that are true and the ones that are really the God-honoring values that are lasting.
Women of my generation – take a look at what’s happening. It’s exciting and there is hope for the future. Here are three of many examples why I think we should close the generation gap and work with our amazing young women.
1. An incredible number of young women are taking a stand for life. In a report from October, 2011 here is the exciting news from last year:
STATEN ISLAND, New York, October 17, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Tens of thousands of students are set to join the massive Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity tomorrow. According to organizers, students at 1,200 colleges, high schools, middle schools and home schools have pledged to remain silent throughout the day, in solidarity with thousands of unborn children permanently silenced by abortion every single day.
First of all, I urge you to go to (LifeSiteNews.com) to read up on the everyday stories for life all around the world. There are many stories there of the courageous acts of women to protect life. But note: “The battle is the Lord’s” (I Sam. 17:47). Our God, Yahweh, created life and He loves His creation. Humans do not get to decide for life and death. Only God, the author and giver of life gets to decide. I am glad that many of our young women are returning to a serious consideration of Who is in charge of life.
2. A commentator in an interview with Dr. Ron Paul noted that the young are among his most ardent supporters. Dr. Paul said that everywhere he goes the young people are telling him that they realize that both the Republican and Democratic parties have let them down. It’s time for change – not the phony kind promised but never delivered on by the present administration – but a real change back to traditional values. Our young people today know that material things, phony promises, and emphases that are basically selfish will not guarantee true happiness. They know that hard work, family values, sound economics, and faith are the means of truly, deep, satisfying happiness. It is my hope and prayer that this generation will say “no” to the false two-party system and vote for someone who really loves our country and knows how to restore its greatness. Even if Dr. Paul does not get elected, the educational value of his campaign has been enormous. I think that our young people know that they have “been had” by the supposed two parties. They are not fooled – they know that there is only one party that plays two parts on television in order to fool the people. I thank God that courageous young people are actively involved in taking a stand for what’s right.
3. History is on our side. There is such a great cloud of witnesses of women and men in the past who have stood on the side of righteousness (Hebrews 12:1). When times of crises have come around, people have risen to the occasion, including young people with vision. There are many women who went before us who sacrificed their all, even their lives, who would stand with us. Many of them were willing to make great sacrifices for Christ no matter how old they were.
Consider the story of Anna Nitschmann (1715 – 1760). She was a young Moravian Christian. Her faith was so strong that it was recognized by others in her community. When she was only fourteen years old, she was elected as a chief eldress of her congregation. Eventually she went on to marry the widowed Count Zinzendorf, leader of the Moravian movement when she was forty years old. But between the time of her call to help others in her community and her marriage she encouraged a group of “single sisters” who would grow over the following decades and be the beginning of a stream of courageous missionaries. Many thousands of people would find Christ.
Though only a young woman, people recognized her spiritual maturity. She is a shining example to us that young people can sense what is right. We older people should not accept that “right” is with us just because we are older. Our generation was materialistic and wrong. I thank God for His love to His people and continuing generosity to us. He has blessed our young people today and we should be thankful for it.
The “generation gap” is just another sinful name for defiance against God. We look for excuses not to obey God. The devil loves it. Let’s circumvent Satan’s machinations and join with out sisters of all generations to “ do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your (our) God.” (Micah 6:8).
Praise the Lord for the young women of today. Ladies, follow your calling. If you are married with children your calling is to be a helpmeet to your husband and to raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
If your children are grown you have the privilege of a second calling. What would God have you do? Will you fight for the lives of the unborn? Will you take meals to the poor in your community? We are so privileged with good health in our day. Do not spend your time watching TV because of those who would say that a woman’s place is only in the home.
Ladies, if you are single, especially if you are in college, you have the unique time now to help other women to see the way to their future happiness. Help them see that momentary pleasures have too many consequences and they need to think about the future. What do they really see themselves as 5, 10 or 20 years from now?
Our founding fathers wanted us to be able to maintain our freedoms, not give them away. Let us be bold and fight for the rights of all humankind: ourselves, the helpless babies, the downtrodden, the victims of oppression, and the disadvantaged.
There are so many organizations that you can volunteer for that I can’t list them in this short Blog. Some would require only a few minutes of time each week. Some would ask only for donations. Many could use as much of your help as you can give. Please respond to this posting and I will send you as many ideas as you need.
Let us all work for the Kingdom of Christ. What is more important? Jesus showed us the way. He loved, healed, showed compassion, and eventually took our penalty for our own selfishness. He is our example. I see our young women as more ready to follow Christ’s example than the generation ahead of me. This is amazing and hopeful. God has promised that those who would return to Him would be blessed (Joel 2:12ff).
Today’s Brave Young Women
“He has told you, O man (and woman), what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).
I am a member of the generation that threw bricks through government building windows. In the sixties young people were really searching for truth. Unfortunately, during that time there was much confusion in the minds of everyone. The “death of God” movement was prominent. Most people hated the war going on in Vietnam. It became apparent that the generation ahead of us (our parents) were seemingly only interested in obtaining two cars and two television sets as a mark of success. I know that my parents only wanted for me to have a “better” life than they did, but they interpreted “better” as having more material things. They grew up during the depression and had to sacrifice so many things. But they had something then that they forgot; working together as families toward a cause that they all believed in.
During the sixties, there were protests of all sorts going on and the older generation got the idea that the younger generation was spoiled and ruined. The “generation gap” became increasingly wider. For many years I wasn’t sure if the breach could ever be healed, but in the last few years I’ve seen signs that at least on the part of the younger generation, there is wisdom and healing. My prayer is that my generation will turn to less materialistic things and see the satisfying values that our younger generation desperately longs for as the values that are true and the ones that are really the God-honoring values that are lasting.
Women of my generation – take a look at what’s happening. It’s exciting and there is hope for the future. Here are three of many examples why I think we should close the generation gap and work with our amazing young women.
1. An incredible number of young women are taking a stand for life. In a report from October, 2011 here is the exciting news from last year:
STATEN ISLAND, New York, October 17, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Tens of thousands of students are set to join the massive Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity tomorrow. According to organizers, students at 1,200 colleges, high schools, middle schools and home schools have pledged to remain silent throughout the day, in solidarity with thousands of unborn children permanently silenced by abortion every single day.
First of all, I urge you to go to (LifeSiteNews.com) to read up on the everyday stories for life all around the world. There are many stories there of the courageous acts of women to protect life. But note: “The battle is the Lord’s” (I Sam. 17:47). Our God, Yahweh, created life and He loves His creation. Humans do not get to decide for life and death. Only God, the author and giver of life gets to decide. I am glad that many of our young women are returning to a serious consideration of Who is in charge of life.
2. A commentator in an interview with Dr. Ron Paul noted that the young are among his most ardent supporters. Dr. Paul said that everywhere he goes the young people are telling him that they realize that both the Republican and Democratic parties have let them down. It’s time for change – not the phony kind promised but never delivered on by the present administration – but a real change back to traditional values. Our young people today know that material things, phony promises, and emphases that are basically selfish will not guarantee true happiness. They know that hard work, family values, sound economics, and faith are the means of truly, deep, satisfying happiness. It is my hope and prayer that this generation will say “no” to the false two-party system and vote for someone who really loves our country and knows how to restore its greatness. Even if Dr. Paul does not get elected, the educational value of his campaign has been enormous. I think that our young people know that they have “been had” by the supposed two parties. They are not fooled – they know that there is only one party that plays two parts on television in order to fool the people. I thank God that courageous young people are actively involved in taking a stand for what’s right.
3. History is on our side. There is such a great cloud of witnesses of women and men in the past who have stood on the side of righteousness (Hebrews 12:1). When times of crises have come around, people have risen to the occasion, including young people with vision. There are many women who went before us who sacrificed their all, even their lives, who would stand with us. Many of them were willing to make great sacrifices for Christ no matter how old they were.
Consider the story of Anna Nitschmann (1715 – 1760). She was a young Moravian Christian. Her faith was so strong that it was recognized by others in her community. When she was only fourteen years old, she was elected as a chief eldress of her congregation. Eventually she went on to marry the widowed Count Zinzendorf, leader of the Moravian movement when she was forty years old. But between the time of her call to help others in her community and her marriage she encouraged a group of “single sisters” who would grow over the following decades and be the beginning of a stream of courageous missionaries. Many thousands of people would find Christ.
Though only a young woman, people recognized her spiritual maturity. She is a shining example to us that young people can sense what is right. We older people should not accept that “right” is with us just because we are older. Our generation was materialistic and wrong. I thank God for His love to His people and continuing generosity to us. He has blessed our young people today and we should be thankful for it.
The “generation gap” is just another sinful name for defiance against God. We look for excuses not to obey God. The devil loves it. Let’s circumvent Satan’s machinations and join with out sisters of all generations to “ do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your (our) God.” (Micah 6:8).
Praise the Lord for the young women of today. Ladies, follow your calling. If you are married with children your calling is to be a helpmeet to your husband and to raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
If your children are grown you have the privilege of a second calling. What would God have you do? Will you fight for the lives of the unborn? Will you take meals to the poor in your community? We are so privileged with good health in our day. Do not spend your time watching TV because of those who would say that a woman’s place is only in the home.
Ladies, if you are single, especially if you are in college, you have the unique time now to help other women to see the way to their future happiness. Help them see that momentary pleasures have too many consequences and they need to think about the future. What do they really see themselves as 5, 10 or 20 years from now?
Our founding fathers wanted us to be able to maintain our freedoms, not give them away. Let us be bold and fight for the rights of all humankind: ourselves, the helpless babies, the downtrodden, the victims of oppression, and the disadvantaged.
There are so many organizations that you can volunteer for that I can’t list them in this short Blog. Some would require only a few minutes of time each week. Some would ask only for donations. Many could use as much of your help as you can give. Please respond to this posting and I will send you as many ideas as you need.
Let us all work for the Kingdom of Christ. What is more important? Jesus showed us the way. He loved, healed, showed compassion, and eventually took our penalty for our own selfishness. He is our example. I see our young women as more ready to follow Christ’s example than the generation ahead of me. This is amazing and hopeful. God has promised that those who would return to Him would be blessed (Joel 2:12ff).
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