Courage: Most dictionaries merely define this as “bravery”. What does it mean to be brave? What characteristics does a brave or courageous woman have?
The women whose stories are in these pages display many exceptional traits. They are wise, dependable, thrifty, energetic, and unselfish. They are good wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends. Some will stand out in one or more of these areas, while others will shine in different areas. But there is one thing they all have in common: they were all very courageous.
How do these women show their courage? Many will exhibit grace under fire. They have a strong presence of mind. They are able to act decisively because they are sure of their convictions.
Strong women will inform themselves when there is a problem. They don’t just rant about problems. They will find solutions, and they will be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Besides being informed, courageous women are also clever and intelligent. They know how to connect the dots. They know how to share and are not afraid of criticism. When they find that they are wrong about something, they readily admit their error. In fact, they rejoice in learning so much that they are glad when someone points out their error so that they can grow and mature. A godly, courageous woman wants only to know God and know Him better. None of us knows everything. It is part of maturity to learn more and grow. A courageous woman can say, “I’m sorry,” and mean it. She is gracious.
Courageous women depend on God. They trust Him and accept His will in their lives. They are willing to accept what God gives them in their lives. When they perceive His will, they put their all into the tasks before them.
Brave women are willing to take a stand for what they believe. They will draw a line in the sand and not cross it. Unjust powers, no matter how fearsome, will not deter them from their righteous goals.
Courageous women also love others. They are unselfish. They put the needs of others ahead of their own. Their own self-esteem is high enough to free them to be able to act independently.
In every woman’s story that I tell, many of these characteristics will shine forth. Courage is the central theme to all of these stories. I am telling these stories so that we can have an example before us of how a victorious life can be lived. We are in uncertain times. Only the courageous woman will get through the perils holding her head up high.