Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women


Posted on: February 2, 2015

But the queen of Sheba was not one of Solomon's wives. She was the reigning monarch of her own country. She secured an alliance with Solomon strictly on trade. Jewish scholars have many legends about her including one where she and Solomon had an affair and a child was born...

Posted on: January 10, 2015

Don’t waste time with the Hollywood version of Bathsheba. Read what the Bible says about her. She should be remembered as the wise, gracious, godly wife and companion of two of Israel’s greatest kings.

Posted on: January 29, 2013

Huldah was a true prophetess. We know this because her message came true. That was God's test for His prophets. And her message was both a reminder and a fulfillment of the one that Solomon had given many years before.