Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women

Patristic Women

Posted on: May 7, 2019

There were dangers involved in traveling and living in a harsh desert, but the hardships actually served to test the women's determination and commitment to Christ. The solitude was essential for meditation. In small communities of like-minded ascetics, Christians could support each other and encourage each other in the faith....

Posted on: March 20, 2019

It is tragic that so few women from the Patristic Age are remembered. Today we have the opportunity to read about many of them because there is a wealth of information available now and more is being discovered every year. I hope that these few posts will whet your appetite...

Posted on: March 5, 2019

Helena was the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine I. Both the eastern and western churches revere her as a saint. It is said that she discovered the "True Cross".