Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women

Hildegard of Bingen

Posted on: November 24, 2020

Hildegard of Bingen – Part 2 Introduction: Many historians pay little attention to the Medieval Era. Calling the period between 500 to 1500 AD the “Dark Ages” they give readers the idea that there wasn’t anything important that happened, some even writing as though the times were backward.   The truth...

Posted on: November 10, 2020

With her lifelong learning and perseverance, Hildegard overcame many obstacles for women in her day. Hildegarde of Bingen remains a most extraordinary figure in women’s history, not only as a gifted musician but also because she seized the opportunities placed before her and worked to her limits.

Posted on: August 22, 2017

“Hildegard: One of the Most Remarkable Women of the Middle Ages” Distributed by: Vision Video 52 minutes. Hildegard was an astonishing woman who left us her remarkable legacy in books, drawings, songs, and plays. Her works are beautiful and lasting. They have also stood the test of time because of...

Posted on: July 16, 2016

Hildegard produced much fruit. Certainly many scholars, religious leaders, historians, and devout believers consider Hildegard an extraordinary woman. Her writings inspired many then and now to deepen their spiritual lives in prayer and service. No matter what century Hildegard had lived in, she would have been considered a devout Christian...