Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women


Posted on: March 6, 2018

Deborah and Jael: These two women had extreme courage because they had strong faith in God. They knew that whatever God had said would come to pass. They could follow their calling courageously while trusting in Him.

Posted on: October 28, 2013

We owe our salvation to Christ alone as Joni does. God has given each of us here on earth different circumstances. I pray that we will not take our advantages for granted. May God give us hearts of love for Him and His other children like Joni's.

Posted on: November 12, 2012

The times we live in are hard. We cannot be June Cleaver living in an idealistic situation. Let us be like Lottie Moon. The purpose of this blog is to encourage women to live courageously in our spiritually difficult times. Be careful to follow your Biblical calling. Prayerfully consider how...