Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women


Posted on: March 11, 2013

Or you can keep your faith in God. You know that at some point you and your family will find a permanent home because God promised it. You grew up with a man who lived his life in obedience to God and taught you to trust God also. This is...

Posted on: February 5, 2013

Job's wife said, "Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die!" (Job 2:9). Now, it is sad that Job's wife did not seem to have the same amount of faith that Job did. But I think it is time to reflect on her side of the story.

Posted on: January 29, 2013

Huldah was a true prophetess. We know this because her message came true. That was God's test for His prophets. And her message was both a reminder and a fulfillment of the one that Solomon had given many years before.