Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women

Shame on you, Girl Scouts

Wisdom calls us to heed God’s counsel, “I love those who love me; and those who diligently seek me will find me. . . But he who sins against me injures himself; all those who hate me love death.”  (Proverbs 8:17, 36).


Shame on you, Girl Scouts! 

It has been well known for a long time that the Girls Scouts have partnered with Planned Parenthood, whose avowed purpose is to sexualize our youth. (See my posting on Margaret Sanger for starters.)  Consider the well-researched and documented evidence from Mariellen Rechtin, a former Girl Scout leader:

Since the 1990’s the Girl Scouts organization has migrated in a more radical, feminist, new age direction.  Note the following facts:

a) “God” being made optional in the Oath;
b) various cases of Planned Parenthood invited to do badge work in councils around the U.S.
c) Radical Feminist, pro-abortion, and lesbian speakers such as Charlotte Bunch, Kavita Ramdas, and Dr. Johnetta Cole receiving awards or speaking at conferences

 Most telling about the Girl Scouts position on the issues of sexual education, contraception distribution to adolescents and abortion are their own words:

 “We demand access to comprehensive sexuality information, services and supplies for all young people.  We need it today – and today needed to be yesterday.  The young people from more than 20 countries and every continent collectively demand their sexual and reproductive rights:

 •All young people must have access to comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health services, including contraception and emergency contraception….  (This means abortion).

 •Accessible, affordable and safe abortion should be made part of the minimum package of sexual and reproductive services.”

This is the New Girl Scouts. It sure doesn’t look like your mother’s or grandmother’s Girl Scouts, does it?

I am thankful for the work of Mariellen and for her courage in taking a stance against the agenda of the Girl Scouts. Mariellen ultimately came to the conclusion that her own family could no longer be involved with the Girl Scouts. I am praying that all Christian families will do the same.

As if the Girl Scouts’ active stance on pushing young girls into their “sexual and reproductive rights, particularly the right to choose, including access to a full range of contraceptives and safe abortion” wasn’t enough, they now are openly forcing the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transsexual (LGBT) agenda on their members.

 The Girl Scouts are proud of their “tolerant” position regarding religion. (This of course means they are “tolerant” of everyone except Christians). A reasonable person would like to think that this means that they do not “force their position” on any individual troop or girl scout in the United States when their religious world views clash.

But this is not the case; they have shown their true, intolerant colors recently when they forced the Girl Scouts of Colorado to allow a 7-year old boy to join because he “identifies” as a girl.

This Colorado Girl Scout group was not only forced to accept little Bobby, but the local leader who rejected the boy’s request to join is being forced to take “sensitivity classes”. A spokesperson for the Girl Scouts said, “We have privacy rights that we are very respectful of with families. . . We do not require proof of gender when a family wants their daughter to be a member of Girl Scouts.”

What kind of insanity is this? “Proof of gender?!!” If your child is a daughter doesn’t that mean that her gender is female? If you have a son, isn’t his gender male?

The parents of this child should be laughed out of town. Instead they look like heroes in the national news. This is what the boy’s mother said, “I believe [Bobby] was born in the wrong body,” she said. “For birthdays, he asked for ponies. He had a princess birthday, and last year when he turned 7, he had a Rapunzel birthday. I have just basically supported him.” She claimed that he has believed that he is a girl since he was two years old. How does a two year old come to that conclusion?

What is wrong with this woman? Does she hate her son? Why didn’t she tell him he was a boy? Maybe she thinks it’s cute while he’s little, but when he grows up confused and distressed, is she going to say it was “his choice” and I just wanted to go along with him? Who is supposed to be in charge here? She will have to answer to God for this.

Bobby was quoted as saying, “I like brats, barbies, strawberry shortcake. I like any girl stuff.” So what? Does this mean he qualifies to join an organization that is meant for real little girls? If the little girls go camping and want to get dressed in their tents, are they supposed to pretend he’s not a boy and undress in front of him? Why haven’t the other families pulled their real little girls out of Girl Scouts?

The other excuse given for this unconscionable situation was “Privacy rights”. “Privacy rights!!?!!” What has letting a boy join a girls’ group got to do with privacy rights?

1. It certainly can’t be the girls’ privacy rights. Now they have to let a boy hang around and participate in their deepest intimate activities.

2.  How can it be little Bobby’s privacy? The whole world now knows about his decision to be a girl. His actions have shown that he doesn’t want to be private about his choice. For his interview, he appeared at the Denver-based news station, Channel 9news, dressed in girl’s clothing. His mother seems to be glorying in all the attention she’s getting as well.

3. It certainly can’t be about the private rights of people involved in scouting. The volunteer who rejected him is being forced to apologize and go against her personal beliefs in order to accommodate the Girl Scouts’ agenda.

The Boy Scouts have maintained their sanity. They at least understand the real issues. The Boy Scouts are worth your support. They have been attacked by the ungodly all the way up to President Obama. Ladies, leave your sons in the Boy Scouts, but GET YOUR DAUGHTERS OUT OF THE GIRL SCOUTS!!!

When you depart from God’s truth, all rationality goes out of the window. If you are a Christian, find another way to give your daughter some healthy social experiences.

Here are just a few. Some of these are sponsored by one of your local churches.

American Heritage Girls


Girls Brigade


Pioneer Girls


There are many others, such as Campfire Girls, but please check them out. They have all changed over the years. Many may still be ok for your daughters, but scrutinize them carefully.

Christian mothers, get your girls out of the Girl Scouts. STOP BUYING GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!! When I see them in front of the grocery store, I tell the cute, young things, “No thank you. I am dieting.” I sometimes ask their mothers, however, if they realize what Girl Scouting has become over the last few decades.

This blog is about courageous women. My purpose is to encourage women to take a stand, sometimes unpopular, sometimes risky, against the immorality of our times. This is one area where we can all make a difference. Even if you don’t want to “preach” to your neighbor, please don’t subject your own daughter to such wickedness. There are plenty of other wonderful organizations.


2 Responses

  1. Thank you for the kind comments. Taking this stand hasn’t been easy, as very few people want to hear the truth. It is too inconvenient. Most discouraging has been the people who are in leadership positions (especially church leadership positions) who have turned a “blind eye” to the truth. We are engaged in a “culture war” against all that is good and wholesome. It is so important that all who believe in the Truth of holy scriptures, be prepared to stand up courageously and support each other through prayer.

    1. Thank you for responding to my post, Mariellen. I do admire you very much. We need more people like you who are willing to take a stand and not compromise. If that could happen, I believe we could begin to turn our culture back to God.

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“Life is a hard battle anyway. If we laugh and sing a little as we fight the good fight of freedom, it makes it all go easier. I will not allow my life’s light to be determined by the darkness around me.”

~ Sojourner Truth