There are some mighty courageous women in our country who are putting all of their energy into saving the most vulnerable of women – the unborn. We need to pray for these women as they do battle in a political climate that seems to favor doing away with unborn babies. Who would have thought one hundred years ago that the women who think it is all right to murder their own offspring would have the political clout, including the ear of the president of the United States, to make laws ensuring that they continue to have the “right” to kill their unborn babies?
How can murder be legalized? This situation is so unreal it feels more like the Twilight Zone than reality.
Into this insanity have stepped three really remarkable women who are trying to do something about reversing the holocaust against the unborn. We should pray for these women every day as they face attacks from Planned Parenthood and other baby killers. There are also thousands of sidewalk counselors and volunteers who face threats from the public, clinic workers, and now even the IRS. Let us pray for them and also remember to pray for the victims of rape or incest as they make the brave decision to keep their babies rather than succumb to the pressure to do away with them.
1. Lila Rose – Lila needs our prayers as she fearlessly tells the truth.
Understandably, Planned Parenthood hates her with a passion. Go to ( and see how time after time the abortionists have been caught lying on camera. Evil hates good; liars hate truth-tellers. Planned Parenthood does not want the truth exposed; they hate Lila Rose. They want to tell you they are all about health care (not the baby’s of course). They want to say that abortion is only a tiny part of what they do. Thanks to Lila and Live Action the truth is coming out. Live Action goes in with undercover cameras and lets the Planned Parenthood employees reveal the truth in their own words. Though PP never talks about abortion in public, when a woman goes to the clinic that is the main option she will be offered. As the war between women heats up, pray for General Lila.
2. Marjorie Dannenfelser – General Marjorie is fighting the battle on the
political front. While Lila is busy exposing the Planned Parenthood groups for the frauds that they are, Marjorie is battling to get people put into office who can help change the laws that are allowing the baby killing to go on. As head of the Susan B. Anthony List, she has also targeted elected officials who have voted for public funding of abortion such as former congressman Driehaus. Driehaus was so sure of his pro-death friends that he was shocked that he could lose an election. He tried to sue SBA, but he failed because the Susan B. Anthony organization was only telling the truth. Marjorie needs our prayers as she tirelessly fights for the babies.
3. Abby Johnson – You can read more about Abby in my March 2012 posting on her. Abby is a former Planned Parenthood clinic operator who became pro-life.
She has worked every day since then to expose the lies and illegal actions of PP. For example, Planned Parenthood clinics were billing for procedures that they never did. In Washington State alone, Planned Parenthood defrauded the taxpayers in upwards of $99 million in waste or possible fraud, including the illegal taxpayer funding of abortion and abortion-related procedures. Overbilling was rampant according to audits launched by officials in pro-abortion states according to the Alliance Defending Freedom group who filed a suit against Planned Parenthood.
No one else questions this sacrosanct organization but Abby does. Planned Parenthood took her to court to try and silence her. Thank God, Abby is not silent. Pray for her and read her book – “unPlanned”. You will get great insights into the horror of abortion and the real terrorism of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is not about women’s health. They talk about mammograms, but they do not have one single machine in any of their clinics. In fact, their clinic workers have very little working knowledge of them. They don’t need to know anything about women’s health really since 91% of the pregnant women who go to a PP clinic will have an abortion. Abortion is what Planned Parenthood is about. It’s how they make a great deal of their profits. In a January 2013 article ( reports, “For decades now, Planned Parenthood has operated the most proficient killing machine in the United States,” said Douglas R. Scott, Jr., president of LDI, in a press release. “And the machine has set yet another record.”
The report notes that in 2011-2012 PPFA “slaughtered a record 333,964 preborn children, generating an estimated $150 million,” and that overall nearly $1.2 billion in revenue was generated.
“PPFA’s income included a hefty and ever-increasing check from American taxpayers. In 2009-2010, government funding reached a whopping $487.4 million. In 2010-2011 the figure jumped to $538.5 million. The total for 2011-2012 reached a staggering $542.4 million, which represents 45.2 percent of the group’s total annual budget,” the report states.
Scott said PPFA’s greatest ally has always been public ignorance of its agenda and activities.”
Yes, Planned Parenthood is counting on you to believe their lies, but whistleblowers like Abby Johnson are exposing them. Pray for Abby as she marches into the fray head on.
4. Pray for Crisis Pregnancy Centers and all of their workers. Thank God for the new technology of ultrasound machines. Women are seeing live pictures of their unborn babies in their wombs. The number of pregnant women who choose to let their babies live is increasing due to the fact that they can see their babies. Planned Parenthood has tried (and succeeded in the state of Oregon) to get laws
passed that force restrictions on Crisis Pregnancy Centers. Pray for the centers in your state and send them some money!
Here is another of the lies of PP exposed. They say they offer choice. But they don’t. 91% of the women “choose” abortion. It’s the main, if not only, option offered. In Oregon, Crisis Pregnancy Centers now have to post signs saying they don’t do abortions. The Crisis Pregnancy Centers offer help and let the woman choose what to do. No, they won’t do abortions but they pray for the women who choose to go somewhere else. If they have to post a sign, then I think it would be fair for the Planned Parenthood clinics to have to post one too saying, “We kill babies here.”
5. Please pray for the victims of rape. They are under intense pressure to abort their babies. It is well known that many people who are normally against abortion make an exception for rape or incest. They don’t understand why a woman might want to keep a baby conceived with a wicked man. But in actuality, 70% of rape victims choose to keep their babies. Loving support and healthy, nonjudgmental attitudes from family and friends reduces what otherwise might seem a burden. It is not the woman’s fault; it is not the baby’s fault either and the baby should not pay the penalty. These women are committing truly selfless acts. They deserve our support.
The trial of the “House of Horrors” abortionist Kermit Gosnell is putting the war on unborn women in a bad light. We are sorry such horrible things have happened. Now, let us pray that the truth will continue to be exposed. Pray very hard for the women who are in the forefront of the fight. And please, support their work by spreading their stories and with generous donations.
Pray for These Brave Women
There are some mighty courageous women in our country who are putting all of their energy into saving the most vulnerable of women – the unborn. We need to pray for these women as they do battle in a political climate that seems to favor doing away with unborn babies. Who would have thought one hundred years ago that the women who think it is all right to murder their own offspring would have the political clout, including the ear of the president of the United States, to make laws ensuring that they continue to have the “right” to kill their unborn babies?
How can murder be legalized? This situation is so unreal it feels more like the Twilight Zone than reality.
Into this insanity have stepped three really remarkable women who are trying to do something about reversing the holocaust against the unborn. We should pray for these women every day as they face attacks from Planned Parenthood and other baby killers. There are also thousands of sidewalk counselors and volunteers who face threats from the public, clinic workers, and now even the IRS. Let us pray for them and also remember to pray for the victims of rape or incest as they make the brave decision to keep their babies rather than succumb to the pressure to do away with them.
1. Lila Rose – Lila needs our prayers as she fearlessly tells the truth.
Understandably, Planned Parenthood hates her with a passion. Go to ( and see how time after time the abortionists have been caught lying on camera. Evil hates good; liars hate truth-tellers. Planned Parenthood does not want the truth exposed; they hate Lila Rose. They want to tell you they are all about health care (not the baby’s of course). They want to say that abortion is only a tiny part of what they do. Thanks to Lila and Live Action the truth is coming out. Live Action goes in with undercover cameras and lets the Planned Parenthood employees reveal the truth in their own words. Though PP never talks about abortion in public, when a woman goes to the clinic that is the main option she will be offered. As the war between women heats up, pray for General Lila.
2. Marjorie Dannenfelser – General Marjorie is fighting the battle on the
political front. While Lila is busy exposing the Planned Parenthood groups for the frauds that they are, Marjorie is battling to get people put into office who can help change the laws that are allowing the baby killing to go on. As head of the Susan B. Anthony List, she has also targeted elected officials who have voted for public funding of abortion such as former congressman Driehaus. Driehaus was so sure of his pro-death friends that he was shocked that he could lose an election. He tried to sue SBA, but he failed because the Susan B. Anthony organization was only telling the truth. Marjorie needs our prayers as she tirelessly fights for the babies.
3. Abby Johnson – You can read more about Abby in my March 2012 posting on her. Abby is a former Planned Parenthood clinic operator who became pro-life.
She has worked every day since then to expose the lies and illegal actions of PP. For example, Planned Parenthood clinics were billing for procedures that they never did. In Washington State alone, Planned Parenthood defrauded the taxpayers in upwards of $99 million in waste or possible fraud, including the illegal taxpayer funding of abortion and abortion-related procedures. Overbilling was rampant according to audits launched by officials in pro-abortion states according to the Alliance Defending Freedom group who filed a suit against Planned Parenthood.
No one else questions this sacrosanct organization but Abby does. Planned Parenthood took her to court to try and silence her. Thank God, Abby is not silent. Pray for her and read her book – “unPlanned”. You will get great insights into the horror of abortion and the real terrorism of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is not about women’s health. They talk about mammograms, but they do not have one single machine in any of their clinics. In fact, their clinic workers have very little working knowledge of them. They don’t need to know anything about women’s health really since 91% of the pregnant women who go to a PP clinic will have an abortion. Abortion is what Planned Parenthood is about. It’s how they make a great deal of their profits. In a January 2013 article ( reports, “For decades now, Planned Parenthood has operated the most proficient killing machine in the United States,” said Douglas R. Scott, Jr., president of LDI, in a press release. “And the machine has set yet another record.”
The report notes that in 2011-2012 PPFA “slaughtered a record 333,964 preborn children, generating an estimated $150 million,” and that overall nearly $1.2 billion in revenue was generated.
“PPFA’s income included a hefty and ever-increasing check from American taxpayers. In 2009-2010, government funding reached a whopping $487.4 million. In 2010-2011 the figure jumped to $538.5 million. The total for 2011-2012 reached a staggering $542.4 million, which represents 45.2 percent of the group’s total annual budget,” the report states.
Scott said PPFA’s greatest ally has always been public ignorance of its agenda and activities.”
Yes, Planned Parenthood is counting on you to believe their lies, but whistleblowers like Abby Johnson are exposing them. Pray for Abby as she marches into the fray head on.
4. Pray for Crisis Pregnancy Centers and all of their workers. Thank God for the new technology of ultrasound machines. Women are seeing live pictures of their unborn babies in their wombs. The number of pregnant women who choose to let their babies live is increasing due to the fact that they can see their babies. Planned Parenthood has tried (and succeeded in the state of Oregon) to get laws
passed that force restrictions on Crisis Pregnancy Centers. Pray for the centers in your state and send them some money!
Here is another of the lies of PP exposed. They say they offer choice. But they don’t. 91% of the women “choose” abortion. It’s the main, if not only, option offered. In Oregon, Crisis Pregnancy Centers now have to post signs saying they don’t do abortions. The Crisis Pregnancy Centers offer help and let the woman choose what to do. No, they won’t do abortions but they pray for the women who choose to go somewhere else. If they have to post a sign, then I think it would be fair for the Planned Parenthood clinics to have to post one too saying, “We kill babies here.”
5. Please pray for the victims of rape. They are under intense pressure to abort their babies. It is well known that many people who are normally against abortion make an exception for rape or incest. They don’t understand why a woman might want to keep a baby conceived with a wicked man. But in actuality, 70% of rape victims choose to keep their babies. Loving support and healthy, nonjudgmental attitudes from family and friends reduces what otherwise might seem a burden. It is not the woman’s fault; it is not the baby’s fault either and the baby should not pay the penalty. These women are committing truly selfless acts. They deserve our support.
The trial of the “House of Horrors” abortionist Kermit Gosnell is putting the war on unborn women in a bad light. We are sorry such horrible things have happened. Now, let us pray that the truth will continue to be exposed. Pray very hard for the women who are in the forefront of the fight. And please, support their work by spreading their stories and with generous donations.
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