Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women

Margaret Sanger – Provider of Death

“But he who sins against me injures himself; all those who hate me love death.”
(Proverbs 8:36)

“And I discovered more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, whose hands are chains. One who is pleasing to God will escape from her, but the sinner will be captured by her.”  (Eccl. 7:26).

The purpose of this blog is to encourage women to live as God has created them to live. Most of the stories that are posted are about brave, outstanding women who rose above their circumstances to make a difference for others. Most of these women have made positive contributions to their families and communities. Many struggled to overcome the problems around them. Some stood firm even giving their own lives in order to protect what they believed in.

In a previous posting (9-28-11) we contrasted a brave, loving, truthful, God-fearing woman (Joanna Najfeld) with a cowardly, hateful, lying, degenerate woman (Barbara Boxer). We showed that without a doubt your attitude towards life comes from your own heart. An unselfish concern for others less fortunate than you goes along with a love for life. A self-centered person is only concerned with their power over others, and theirs is the way of death.

One woman who really exemplified a person whose philosophy leads only to death was Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Truly her heart was “snares and nets” and her hands were chains of death for millions of defenseless babies.

Rather than go into a detailed account of her life and misdeeds, I would like to strongly recommend a book for you to read:
Killer Angels, by George Grant. He tells the real story behind one of the biggest myths of our day – that Planned Parenthood was founded by a heroine who only wants to help girls with birth control.

But did you know that Ms. Sanger was actually a devotee of Darwin and believed in eugenics as a means to reduce the population of the “less fit”, including “inferior races” such as “Negroes”?

I’ll let her speak for herself:

Referring to blacks, immigrants, and indigents in her work, Pivot of Civilization, she said, they are “human weeds, reckless breeders, spawning . . . human beings who never should have been born.”

In this same work she also said, “Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying . . . demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism.”

On birth control, she said that its purpose is “to create a race of thoroughbreds.”  (Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921, p. 2). Of course these superior beings would not include Blacks.

Maybe you are thinking that those racist ideas were only her own. Surely, today things are different, right? Wrong. Take a look at these statistics to see that Planned Parenthood carries on her legacy:

85 years after the Planned Parenthood founder spoke at a KKK rally (more about this in a minute), this is what it is like at Planned Parenthood:

*A black baby is three times more likely to be murdered in the womb than a white baby.

*Twice as many African-Americans have died from abortion than have died from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart disease combined.

*Every three days, more African-Americans are killed by abortion than have been killed by the Ku Klux Klan in its entire history.

*Planned Parenthood operates the nation’s largest chain of abortion clinics and almost 80 percent of its facilities are located in minority neighborhoods.

*About 13 percent of American women are black, but they submit to over 35 percent of the abortions.

A generation ago in the rural South, Many African American women were subjected to nonconsensual forced sterilization. Some did not even know that they were sterilized until they tried, unsuccessfully, to have children. In 1973, Essence Magazine published an expose of forced sterilization practices, where racist physicians felt they were performing a service by sterilizing black women without telling them. There is no doubt that Sanger was a racist yet the Planned Parenthood Federation of America has been protective of Margaret Sanger’s reputation and defensive of allegations that she was a racist. In view of all of the evidence it is hard to see how they could be sympathetic to such a woman.

And the genocide is still continuing. Consider the following information from a brochure put out about a group called “Klan Parenthood”, which you can obtain from a pro-life organization called, Life Dynamics –

“Abortionists love Black babies to death! The Ku Klux Klan couldn’t dream of killing as many Blacks as Planned Parenthood has. Today in America, almost as many Black babies are killed by abortion as are born. This brochure presents abortion statistics that highlight the genocide that is being waged on the Black community by Planned Parenthood and legalized abortion. It also exposes the racist ideas of Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, who admitted in her own autobiography that she was once the featured speaker at a KKK meeting. This brochure features quotes and abortion statistics that will open your eyes.”

For example, Sanger said, “I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan…I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses…I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak…In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered.”

This brochure exposes the continuing racism of the abortion rights advocates, and I highly recommend Life Dynamics to you for your support.

Go to for up to date information on what is happening in the abortion industry.

Another legacy that Ms. Sanger left to our culture is the sexual revolution that has radically changed our society. Illicit sex without consequences was her philosophy. Of course this leads to a need for birth control or if all else fails abortion. Here are some of her own words on the subject:

On the subject of adultery she said, “A woman’s physical satisfaction was more important than any marriage vow.” (Birth Control in America, p. 11). In the same publication she spoke against proper marital sex proclaiming, “The marriage bed is the most degenerating influence in the social order.”

Her progeny, Planned Parenthood of America still proclaims the same degenerate, culture destroying, enticements to young girls today. Note the following quotes from Planned Parenthood literature:

“We are not going to be an organization promoting celibacy or chastity.” 
Faye Wattleton, President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Los Angeles Times, Oct. 17, 1986.

“If your parents are stupid enough to deny you access to birth control, and you are under 18, you can get it on your own. Call Planned Parenthood.”  
Planned Parenthood advertisement, Dallas Observer, Jan. 30, 1986.

“There are only 2 basic kinds of sex: sex with victims and sex without. Sex with victims is always wrong. Sex without is ALWAYS right.”  Planned Parenthood, Denver, Colorado.

“The question of whether or not to sell ourselves to men is a false one: The real question is how to sell ourselves in the way that is least destructive to ourselves and our sisters. Prostitutes don’t need our condescension. What they need is our alliance. And we need theirs.” 
The New Our Bodies, Ourselves, Boston Women’s Health Collective, p 113.

“At Planned Parenthood you can also get birth control without the consent or knowledge of your parents. So, if you are 14, 15 or 16 and you come to Planned Parenthood, we won’t tell your parents you’ve been there. We swear we won’t tell your parents.” 
Planned Parenthood employee lecturing students of Ramona High School, Riverside, Calif., April 21-22, 1986

Planned Parenthood is clearly misnamed; it should be called Planned Un-parenthood. It is clear that they are in the business of promoting their death-style. As we have shown in a previous posting, they run a multi-million dollar business killing babies. It is in their interest to promote illicit sex, so they can reap the monetary rewards to themselves from the results.

This is horrible enough, but the statistics on their war against blacks should be made public to everyone. Where is the outrage? Are they too protected by other godless politicians? I don’t know, but it is time for us all to do something.

And what about Margaret Sanger? Did her profligate ways make her happy? On the contrary, she ultimately lost everything before she died – love, happiness, satisfaction, family, and friends. She did not find fulfillment in her blatant racism, revolutionary socialism, sexual perversion and insatiable avarice. Without the peace that only God can give, she led a disturbed and unhappy life. In her later life she was very bitter and became fixated with drugs, alcohol, and the occult.

She truly loved death and her followers today agree with her that,
“The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” (Women and the New Race, Eugenics Pub. Co.,1920). That’s what Planned Parenthood is all about.

14 Responses

  1. and Planned Parenthood is funded by the Komen Pink Ribbon Foundation that everyone just loves!
    NOT me though because I know this connection and it is an ugly one full of death!

    1. How right you are, Linda! I throw those letters asking for my donation away! I wish more people understood as you do.
      You won’t find any pink ribbons around my house.
      You will find pictures of two little children that we are sponsoring through Compassion International. That’s where we choose to send our money.

      Great comment! Thank you so much!!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Julie. You bring up a very good point. I believe that it is another way that pro-life folks are different from pro-death folks. We know that we will face God one day and have to explain everything. I don’t think Ms. Sanger even believed in God, but of course when she died she found out the truth, didn’t she?
      But it was too late for her. That’s one of the reasons for this blog. I hope ladies who read it will think about these things, as you have. My prayer is not only that women will choose God but choose life and dignity for others.
      Thank you again.

    1. Thank you for pointing that out. I love the internet, but we need to be careful. I will take more time in the future to check resources.
      I’ve gotten a lot of responses to my postings on Margaret Sanger. Perhaps in wake of the recent conflict between Planned Parenthood and the Susan Komen foundation?

  2. Hello,
    Great Article! I am a christian highschool student and I am doing a project on the history and the implications of abortion and I was wondering if you have any helpful resources for me. Thank you!

    1. Hallie, Thank you for responding to my article. Here are some of my favorite books on the subject of abortion:
      “Pro Life Answers to Pro Choice* Arguments” by Randy Alcorn (This book will answer many of your questions, is very readable, and contains a wonderful appendix full of great resources. Not as much on history however; For that see the next book.)
      * I don’t think they should be allowed to call themselves “Pro Choice”. They are not until they give the choice to the one whose life is at stake. Let’s ask the baby to choose!!!
      “Abortion Rites: A Social History of Abortion in America” by Marvin Olasky (Excellent as far as it goes; it’s about 20 years old.)
      But for more recent articles, I recommend highly the website. I read it every day. Lately, the gains made by Pro-lifers is very exciting.
      If you want to know more on Planned Parenthood’s “Agenda” see: “Immaculate Deception: The Shifting Agenda of Planned Parenthood” by George Grant.
      If you have a very strong stomach, and want to see just how bad abortion clinics truly are:
      “Lime 5” by Mark Crutcher explains the lies and coverups by the abortionists and the government.
      God bless you in your research.

  3. what a great example of leftist revisonist history,as vile and disgusting as Marget Sanger and planned parenthood is,it is only the tip of the iceberg.Blacks in this country have been stripped of what should be a proud contribution in our freedom.The left fails to tell stories of such herios as prince Williams who saved 13 men at Bunker Hill,by pulling these wounded men from the battlefield,why do we not celebrate these brave black men ?Because then Afro-Americans are not just oppressed slaves,but.,men who truly loved thier freedom,and thier country.

    1. Stacy, thank you so much for your comments. There are so many Afro-Americans who could be mentioned. There are several black women on my Blog. I long for the day when we will all be seen as people first, and our ethnic background or gender is secondary.
      You are correct about the left; they pretend to be the ones who care about others, but they only use people. The folks who are making the real difference are often quiet, unassuming people so you don’t hear about them.

  4. I just stumbled upon this page and must say this is truly eye opening. I had no idea all that planned parenthood entailed until recently andI grow more disgusted by the day. As an African American, it is a shame that many of my people have no idea all that it entails and continue to endorse it. I pray that eyes are opened to the truth and that Planned Parenthood is nothing but an agenda that harmful rather than helpful.

    1. I am praying with you my friend. Thank you for replying to my post. I hope you will share the information with others. It is very tragic how few understand PP’s agenda. It would be good for more people to be aware of the truth.

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“The kids are so proud that I’m their teacher and that I did all of those things. I hope the film shows young people on our reservation, where self-esteem is low, that you have to do the best you can and be proud of yourself.”

~ Doris Leader Charge