Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women

Love, Peace and Joy for 2011

Surrounded by my family at this time of the year I am thankful for the many blessings that God has given me. It is such a joy to have my children and grandchildren all around for a few days. It is wonderful to have a peaceful and genuinely happy time with all. So many families, though having many material blessings, do not have the true fun and fellowship that we have because they do not get along with each other. For them the holiday is a time to go and put on a fake smile, get indigestion eating a meal that they can barely get through without choking, collect their loot and head home. I feel really sorry for them.

Here in our home we celebrate Christ from the smallest to the oldest. Not all of our in-laws are Christians, but they still respect the real reason for Christmas. Some, even the most cantankerous, have admitted that we have something special in our home. We pray that every year they will realize that it is because of the Lord Jesus Christ that we have beautiful relationships with our children. We pray that they will want the peace and joy that we have so much that they will turn to the Lord themselves.

We are thankful for the many blessings that we still have in our country.
Only in America would people band together like they did in Wilmington, Ohio, and take care of each other. They refused the government’s “help” which always comes with a demand surrender your freedom. They have shown us that we can still be a nation of loving people, caring for each other. As the present administration’s insane policies continue to contribute to the high unemployment, I pray that more towns will follow the example of the courageous citizens of Wilmington.

Only in America will we find so many wonderful people volunteering to help the homeless, as Habitat for Humanity does. Since 1976, they have built or repaired 400,000 homes worldwide. This is because we are a Christian based nation. While many do not profess to follow Christ anymore, we still are living with the values that our forefathers brought to this land.

Thank God that in America people can still proclaim Christ in public, though we are fast losing this ability. As the Christmas season wanes, I pray that the courageous acts of those who put Christ forward will continue. I fear that it won’t.

It was very emotional for those of us who are Christians to see the group at a shopping mall who sang Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus to the delight of the onlookers. In the video that I saw on You Tube, there didn’t seem to be anyone who was offended. I believe that there is still lingering the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in hearts in our country. One of my prayers for the New Year is that Christians and churches all over our land will be encouraged by these choruses and do it throughout the year. I am optimistic. We can still save our country.

At this time next year, I hope that the following is true:

a.  Christians everywhere will be able to speak about Christ openly in public places without being arrested for a “hate crime.”

b.  The “banksters” will be brought to justice for the crimes they have committed against all of the ordinary people in our country in order to just keep on enriching themselves. No, they are not too big to fail. Make them do business by the same rules that the rest of us do.

c.  All elected officials who have raised taxes, leading to horrific unemployment will be impeached. This is still the United States of America. We elect our officials and if they harm us, we can impeach them. Let us say “enough is enough” to leaders who put policies into practice that give them more power and money and impoverish the already overworked and overtaxed citizens. How many of these will be out of office at this time next year? Many, I hope.

e.  The TSA must be abandoned as it presently exists. They do not protect us; they only humiliate us. Let’s rid ourselves of these parasites. I will believe that the government really is interested in our safety when they ensure us of all of our second amendment rights. A responsible population, well educated, skilled, and equipped can protect itself.

f.  Unborn women will have the same rights as grown women.

g.  Government officials will stop trying to be our nannies. They will leave our small family farms alone. They will not tamper with our food supply.

h.  “Mallard Filmore” will be the one of the most widely read cartoons along with the other family friendly cartoons such as Family Circus.Thank you, Bruce Tinsley for your courage and for speaking for all of us. I do believe that most Americans are with YOU no matter what the liberals try to say!!

If we could have all of these things then it will be a VERY GOOD NEW YEAR!




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