… and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. … But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will uproot you from My land which I have given you, and this house which I have consecrated for My name I will cast out of My sight and I will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples (II Chronicles 7:14, 19, 20).
We have heard the first part of this verse quoted many times in this new century. Many people flocked to churches after the deadly strikes against the Twin Towers in New York City in 2001. Preachers tell me that the churches were the fullest they had ever been in years on September 16. It lasted about two weeks. By September 23 the numbers were much lower and by the first week in October most churches were back to normal.
It seems that we only remember God when we are in big trouble. It also seems that we are totally ignoring the rest of this passage in the Bible.
The context for this passage is the dedication of the new temple that Solomon had just built in Jerusalem. Solomon offers a prayer to God and God responds with a promise and a warning. If the children of God will honor and serve Him, they will be blessed. If they forget God and turn to idols, God will bring such destruction on them that the other nations will look on and wonder, “Why has the Lord done thus to this land and to this house?” The answer is, “Because they forsook the Lord” (II Chronicles 7:21).
Have we as a Christian nation forsaken the Lord? I was dumbfounded that after all of the wicked things Obama did he could still get reelected. How could the people of this country put into office a man who believes in infanticide? How could the people in our country reelect a man who has no respect for the hard working people in this country – the ones who are paying the taxes to support the ones who are living off of the government largesse? How could we reelect a man who is busy at this moment trashing our constitution?
It is because we don’t know what God requires of us. We no longer read the Bible and seek God’s justice in all areas of our lives. Most people only live for the moment and are dependent on the promises made by a man who has shown himself to be a destroyer of freedom. This does not bode well for the future.
The prophet Micah told us what God requires of us, ” … but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).
This past year has been a horrible year for those who are too helpless to help themselves – the unborn. The United Nations with the backing of president Obama has come as close to playing God as they possibly can. A look back at some of the things they did in 2012 will show that they obviously don’t believe that there is a Creator God in this universe that they will be accountable to.
1. One wonders how the World Health Organization can continue without changing their
name. The guidelines they published for abortion procedures include: disposing of human remains in latrines or sewers; re-using manual vacuum aspirators to perform abortions; and eliminating follow-up medical visits to dangerous abortion procedures. These practices are certainly not healthy and will cause many illnesses, if not deaths, in underdeveloped countries.
2. The Human Rights Council in Geneva passed as resolution endorsing a new set of guidelines to lower maternal deaths during abortions using a “human rights based approach”. They are trying to convince countries that “legal” equals “safe” and “illegal” equals “unsafe”. Just making abortion legal does not make it safe as anyone who has followed the news in this country can tell you. These guidelines are also trying to do away with the conscience protections for doctors who refuse to do abortions because the do not agree with the practice.
3. Melinda Gates has decided to make universal access to contraception her “legacy” to the world. Unfortunately, the groups who she is working with include population control groups like the United Nations Population Fund, and International Planned Parenthood Federation. These groups use abortion for population control. It is also very clear that access to condoms and other contraceptives raises the promiscuity level.
4. The current US administration is pushing for laws similar to Obama’s new health care mandates. Many UN members so far are resisting it, but the US executive level is determined to force it down the throats of the rest of the world. A commission, which met in the spring last year, also tried to propose LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual) “rights” and sexual rights for children. The UN should be a forum for peace and world cooperation not the bully pulpit for United States liberals.
I really don’t believe that many of the people in our country agree with all of this. I pray that most people in our country still fear God.
It is a shame that a few people in leadership positions have so much power. But, my friends, this is the United States of America. We can vote the wicked people out of office. My concern is that either no one cares or else that no one thinks that they can do something about it. We have the opportunity to do something and God has made it clear time and again that He holds us – the people – responsible.
It is not too late. We can make 2013 even more horrible than 2012 for the unborn, or we can do something. Let’s start by getting informed. Inform others. Pray, pray, and pray some more. Then before we lose all of our freedoms, work in whatever way you feel you can to change things.
And so what will be our future? I hope it will be –

Happy New Year 2013! Yes, let us be strong and diligent and do all we can to work for justice and love for the helpless.
Happy New Year – 2013
… and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. … But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will uproot you from My land which I have given you, and this house which I have consecrated for My name I will cast out of My sight and I will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples (II Chronicles 7:14, 19, 20).
We have heard the first part of this verse quoted many times in this new century. Many people flocked to churches after the deadly strikes against the Twin Towers in New York City in 2001. Preachers tell me that the churches were the fullest they had ever been in years on September 16. It lasted about two weeks. By September 23 the numbers were much lower and by the first week in October most churches were back to normal.
It seems that we only remember God when we are in big trouble. It also seems that we are totally ignoring the rest of this passage in the Bible.
The context for this passage is the dedication of the new temple that Solomon had just built in Jerusalem. Solomon offers a prayer to God and God responds with a promise and a warning. If the children of God will honor and serve Him, they will be blessed. If they forget God and turn to idols, God will bring such destruction on them that the other nations will look on and wonder, “Why has the Lord done thus to this land and to this house?” The answer is, “Because they forsook the Lord” (II Chronicles 7:21).
Have we as a Christian nation forsaken the Lord? I was dumbfounded that after all of the wicked things Obama did he could still get reelected. How could the people of this country put into office a man who believes in infanticide? How could the people in our country reelect a man who has no respect for the hard working people in this country – the ones who are paying the taxes to support the ones who are living off of the government largesse? How could we reelect a man who is busy at this moment trashing our constitution?
It is because we don’t know what God requires of us. We no longer read the Bible and seek God’s justice in all areas of our lives. Most people only live for the moment and are dependent on the promises made by a man who has shown himself to be a destroyer of freedom. This does not bode well for the future.
The prophet Micah told us what God requires of us, ” … but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).
This past year has been a horrible year for those who are too helpless to help themselves – the unborn. The United Nations with the backing of president Obama has come as close to playing God as they possibly can. A look back at some of the things they did in 2012 will show that they obviously don’t believe that there is a Creator God in this universe that they will be accountable to.
1. One wonders how the World Health Organization can continue without changing their
name. The guidelines they published for abortion procedures include: disposing of human remains in latrines or sewers; re-using manual vacuum aspirators to perform abortions; and eliminating follow-up medical visits to dangerous abortion procedures. These practices are certainly not healthy and will cause many illnesses, if not deaths, in underdeveloped countries.
2. The Human Rights Council in Geneva passed as resolution endorsing a new set of guidelines to lower maternal deaths during abortions using a “human rights based approach”. They are trying to convince countries that “legal” equals “safe” and “illegal” equals “unsafe”. Just making abortion legal does not make it safe as anyone who has followed the news in this country can tell you. These guidelines are also trying to do away with the conscience protections for doctors who refuse to do abortions because the do not agree with the practice.
3. Melinda Gates has decided to make universal access to contraception her “legacy” to the world. Unfortunately, the groups who she is working with include population control groups like the United Nations Population Fund, and International Planned Parenthood Federation. These groups use abortion for population control. It is also very clear that access to condoms and other contraceptives raises the promiscuity level.
4. The current US administration is pushing for laws similar to Obama’s new health care mandates. Many UN members so far are resisting it, but the US executive level is determined to force it down the throats of the rest of the world. A commission, which met in the spring last year, also tried to propose LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual) “rights” and sexual rights for children. The UN should be a forum for peace and world cooperation not the bully pulpit for United States liberals.
I really don’t believe that many of the people in our country agree with all of this. I pray that most people in our country still fear God.
It is a shame that a few people in leadership positions have so much power. But, my friends, this is the United States of America. We can vote the wicked people out of office. My concern is that either no one cares or else that no one thinks that they can do something about it. We have the opportunity to do something and God has made it clear time and again that He holds us – the people – responsible.
It is not too late. We can make 2013 even more horrible than 2012 for the unborn, or we can do something. Let’s start by getting informed. Inform others. Pray, pray, and pray some more. Then before we lose all of our freedoms, work in whatever way you feel you can to change things.
And so what will be our future? I hope it will be –

Happy New Year 2013! Yes, let us be strong and diligent and do all we can to work for justice and love for the helpless.
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“Life is a hard battle anyway. If we laugh and sing a little as we fight the good fight of freedom, it makes it all go easier. I will not allow my life’s light to be determined by the darkness around me.”
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