Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women

Happy New Year, 2012, Part III

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24).

At our last posting we looked at all the good news for the pro-life cause that happened last year, especially the legislation that has been passed to protect unborn babies. I deliberately left out anything negative, because I did not want to mar the wonderful, enthusiastic, and optimistic news with ugly pictures.

This week, I’d like to talk about some of those ugly pictures, because in an indirect way, they are still good news for the right to life. Last year, the lines were being drawn more distinctly in the sand for all to see. Many Christians have been sitting on the fence for various reasons. I hope they will get off now.

I think one of the worst reasons to avoid our responsibility for trying to bring justice to those who are oppressed is that we don’t like to be called “intolerant”. The enemy has used that tactic against Christians for a long time to good effect, and it’s time to turn the tables.

Intolerance cannot be avoided. If we are Christians who want to live according to the Word of God, then we must be intolerant towards murder, (this includes the unborn, no matter how the enemy wants to define abortion), theft, adultery, false witness, and anything else against the wise commandments given to us by our gracious heavenly Father.

Those who are sinners and think nothing of breaking God’s law are intolerant of Christians. They are guilty of the sin they accuse us of. They hate God and His restraints on society and they hate us because we don’t love or tolerate sin as they do.

Our Lord Jesus told us that we cannot serve two masters. We must choose one. It is very important now for Christians to get off the fence. It is important for us to love God and His Word above all else. This means we must hate sin and regard it as an offense against God and as injustice to other human beings.

Many are sitting on the fence perhaps because they don’t really know how bad things are. They do not understand that those who hate God have committed heinous atrocities against the unborn. The following articles that I am including this week will show how the pro-death people have been showing their true colors. These articles show the ugliness of the pro-abortion crowd; that is why I chose to do a separate Blog posting for them. What they are doing is so evil as to not leave any doubt in any Christian’s mind about what their real agenda is.

What you tolerate says a lot about you. It shows what your loyalties are and where you place your affections. The lines that are being drawn are black and white. Read the following stories and you will see that there are no more excuses for trying to straddle the fence.

From October 26, 2011:

Workers at “House of Horrors” abortion clinic plead guilty to murder

This story is important because it is probably the first time an abortion worker has been found guilty of murder for killing a baby. The “House of Horrors” abortionist, Kermit Gosnell, was in the news last year for the grisly way he operated his clinic. He had also been charged with eight counts of murder, though he and his workers killed hundreds of newborn babies by severing their spinal cords rather than killing them in the womb.

The two workers, Sherry West and Adrienne Moton pled guilty for killing one baby and for helping to drug an abortion client to death during a botched abortion. Neither woman had any medical training or licensing.

Operation Rescue President, Troy Newman commented, “As disturbing as this case is, we know that what went on at Gosnell’s abortion mill is little different than what goes on at late-term abortion mills around the country. We look forward to a full airing of the evidence in a court of law so Americans can come face to face with the atrocity of abortion.

Maybe if we finally have a public airing of the truth about what goes on inside abortion clinics, American will stop tolerating the barbaric, unnecessary, and outdated practice. This case serves as a warning to abortionists who break the law. Sooner or later you will get caught.”

I don’t like talking about such grisly happenings, but I hope these kinds of stories will help people get off of the fence and do more for the cause of the unborn.

Also from a “LifeSiteNews” article on October 26, 2011:

Video shows abortion workers laughing after botched abortion, says pro-life group

If this story does not make you hopping mad, I don’t know what else to do.

–“ A video released recently by Pro-Life Wisconsin, shows abortion clinic workers laughing as an ambulance pulls up outside the facility to fetch a woman injured from a botched abortion.

According to the pro-life organization, this is “at least” the third time this year that an ambulance has shown up at the abortion facility after a botched abortion.

“Those who lobby for abortion’s legality claim that if abortion were made illegal, women would have to resort to dirty, back-alley abortions,”  Pro-Life Wisconsin wrote on their website. “But the reverse has actually happened — as was sadly illustrated with Kermit Gosnell’s ‘House of Horrors’ abortuary in Philadelphia, the dirty, back-alley abortions are legal and no one is watching.”

“Abortion facilities in Milwaukee are not subject to health inspections,” the group continued. “Some days the smell of death — blood and flesh — can be smelled wafting out of AMS when the staff open the doors.”

Later, the pro-life activist who was taking the video said to one of the abortion workers, “So, this is what you do after you put a woman in the hospital.” The worker responded, “You’re lucky it isn’t you in the hospital.”

Last year a number of pro-death activists were forced to face the truth. They could no longer deny what everyone else was seeing. The following article, from “LifeSiteNews”, shows how one honest pro-abortion woman admitted that the pro-life people were not exaggerating when they showed pictures of what an aborted child looked like.

“Abortion doula” founder admits: ‘those pictures pro-life activists flash are real’

The dictionary defines a “doula” as “a woman who assists women during labor and after childbirth.” But there is a new group of men and women calling themselves “doulas” who are challenging that definition in radical ways.

Volunteers with “The Doula Project,” located in New York City, not only help women who give birth to their child, but also accompany them as their unborn child is killed by abortion.

In a recent article about the Doula Project, it was admitted what many pro-abortion activists have furiously disputed for years – that graphic photos of aborted babies used by many pro-life activists are legitimate.

“That is what a fetus looks like when its head is crushed,” admits Mary Mahoney in a devastating remark in a new article about abortion “doulas.”

Mahoney’s statement strikes a deathblow against the claims of pro-abortion activists that graphic images of abortions are faked, or simply photos of stillborn babies.

“The quickest way to change a pro-choicer’s mind is to let them see the procedure,” says Kelly Brunacini of Feminists Choosing Life of New York.

I agree. And, the quickest way for some of our fence sitters to get moving and join the fight against this horrible crime is to let them see the pictures, too.

Is it any wonder that pro-lifers compare abortion to the holocaust?

Finally, here is one more article. There were many to choose from, but this one shows how callous the pro-abortion people can be. And why should we be surprised? Why should anyone who thinks it’s ok to kill a helpless baby worry about the law?

Austin, Texas, December 1, 2011:

Abortion clinics, waste disposal fined $83,000 for tossing aborted babies in open dumpsters

Two Texas abortion clinics and the disposal company Stericycle have been slapped with fines in excess of $83,000 for illegal dumping of aborted baby remains in open dumpsters. The babies were picked up each week by the disposal company and eventually dumped at a landfill. Since the aborted babies were considered “pathological waste” by Texas law, they should have been taken to a special landfill.

Investigations have been ongoing at other Texas abortion clinics.

“Time and again we have seen that abortionists have the attitude that they are above the law. Abortion clinics need to be inspected and violations strictly enforced for the sake of the public’s welfare,” said Troy Newman, Operation Rescue President.

It is bad enough that abortionists think they are above the law, but it is really callous how they treat little human beings.

I hope these stories have spurred you on to do something for the babies. Even if you would give up one trip to the coffee place for your specialty coffee each month and send that money to your local pro-life group, it would make a difference.

And, please check out There is a wealth of information there. Lately, it has been encouraging. The tide seems to be turning thanks in part to technology. The pro-death people can no longer hide the truth.

May we have a very successful year defeating the forces of darkness and promoting light and life!!

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“People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn’t true… No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in.”

~ Rosa Parks