Now that our Supreme Court has opened the door for the government to command the citizens to do anything the government wants, no one is safe from being declared a criminal for any reason. If you think I am exaggerating, consider that the “ObamaCare” law requires all employers, even churches, to provide coverage that will result in the terminating of lives of the unborn. The new rogue law says everyone MUST provide the insurance. The Supreme Court has gone too far when it says that it is constitutional for the government to REQUIRE people to buy insurance. Nowhere does the constitution REQUIRE anyone to engage in any kind of commerce. What will they require next? The law goes against the beliefs of religious people. Our Christian religious beliefs used to be protected. Not any more – only Muslims are protected. Slowly but surely Christians will be arrested and thrown in prison for sticking to their firmly held convictions.
As implemented, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), popularly known as “ObamaCare,” would allow insurance agencies that participate in the state exchanges the bill creates to charge women a surcharge of $1 for abortion coverage, effectively underwriting the ghastly procedure with federal funds.
Many have responded, “So what? So what’s a single dollar?” I’ll tell you so what. Is your conscience that cheap? Can you be bought for a dollar? We must not be like the frog in the boiling pot. Next year it will be fifty or one hundred dollars, and then we will pay for an entire policy. In the end all of the hard working taxpayers will pay double or triple in order to pick up the tab for the welfare slouches who have been guaranteed health benefits.
Will we be able to stand up to it? Are we willing to pay a fine or go to jail rather than pay the blood money tribute to King Obama? How much are we willing to suffer to follow Christ? Here is the story of a young girl who faced down the government and lost her life for it.
Eulalia lived in Merida, Spain, during a time of great persecutions of Christians.
In 304 AD, when she was thirteen, she was martyred for refusing to sacrifice to the Roman gods, which of course included the emperor himself.
Eulalia had a chance to avoid being killed when her parents sent her out to the countryside to hide. They knew of her zeal and her yearning to die for Christ if necessary and were afraid of what she might do if given the chance to speak to the Spanish tribunal.
Her desire to witness for Christ and avoid committing idolatry caused Eulalia to escape from the house where she was staying and head straight for the law court of the governor Dacian at Merida. There she professed herself a Christian and began to insult the pagan gods and the emperor Maximian.
“Are you not ashamed to cast your own souls and those of others at once into eternal perdition by denying the only true God, the Father of us all, and the Creator of all Christians, that you may put them to death? Behold, here am I, an adversary of your satanical sacrifices. I confess with heart and mouth God alone.” She went on to tell them that she refused to worship their pagan gods or the emperor.
This enraged the tribunal judge and he called for an executioner. He hoped that this would make her afraid. Before he ordered her to be tortured, he tried bribery and flattery. He addressed her with these soft words-, “How gladly would I spare thee! O that thou mightest renounce before thy death thy perverse views of the Christian religion? Reflect once, what great joy awaits thee, which thou mayest expect in the honorable state of matrimony. Behold, all thy friends weep for thee, and thy sorrow-stricken, well-born kindred sigh aver thee, that thou art to die in the tender bloom of thy young life. See, the servants stand ready to torture thee to death with all sorts of torments; for thou shaft either be beheaded with the sword, or torn by the wild beasts, or singed with torches, which will cause thee to howl and wail, because thou wilt not be able to endure the pain; or, lastly be burned with fire. Thou canst escape all these tortures with little trouble, if thou wilt only take a few grains of salt and incense on the tips of thy fingers, and sacrifice it. (Italics mine. – If thou will only pay thy $1 for this abortion surcharge on the bill – ) Daughter, consent to this, and thou shalt thereby escape all these severe punishments.”
Eulalia would not sacrifice her conscience so cheaply and neither should we.
She did not dignify the judge’s words with a reply but responded by pushing away from her the altar with its pagan images, books, and incense. The tribunal judge got so angry he ordered her torture to begin.
At the judge’s order, two executioners approached her and stripped her. They tore her tender flesh in her sides with iron hooks, so as to leave her rib bones bare. Next lighted torches were applied to her breasts and sides. She did not complain under this torture. Instead of cries, she only taunted her torturers. In looking at the gashes on her body she said, “Behold, Lord Jesus Christ! Thy name is being written on my body; what great delight it affords me to read these letters, because they are signs of Thy victory! Behold, my purple blood confesses Thy holy name.” The fire at length enveloped her hair, surrounding her head and face. Eulalia suffered from flames and smoke inhalation and finally died from breathing it in. She loved her Savior more than her own life.
Do we love the Savior more than our own lives? Little by little the boiling water is being heated up under us. In the last few years we have lost one freedom after another. What will it take before we say we’ve had enough? Will you wait until King Obama declares you a traitor because you won’t support his anti-life commands? Do you think I am far fetched, that “it will never happen here”? Who ever thought the government would start dictating to the church the way it has?
We don’t have to face torture and death yet, but I see prison sentences just around the corner. Wake up, my sisters. Do all in your power to oppose this trend. Don’t vote for anyone who supports the evil healthcare law. Join a pro-life group and get active. If enough of us protest, we may make our congresspersons strike down the PPACA.
And let us be continually in prayer to God, the One Who is truly the Ruler of the
Eulalia – Martyr for Christ
Now that our Supreme Court has opened the door for the government to command the citizens to do anything the government wants, no one is safe from being declared a criminal for any reason. If you think I am exaggerating, consider that the “ObamaCare” law requires all employers, even churches, to provide coverage that will result in the terminating of lives of the unborn. The new rogue law says everyone MUST provide the insurance. The Supreme Court has gone too far when it says that it is constitutional for the government to REQUIRE people to buy insurance. Nowhere does the constitution REQUIRE anyone to engage in any kind of commerce. What will they require next? The law goes against the beliefs of religious people. Our Christian religious beliefs used to be protected. Not any more – only Muslims are protected. Slowly but surely Christians will be arrested and thrown in prison for sticking to their firmly held convictions.
As implemented, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), popularly known as “ObamaCare,” would allow insurance agencies that participate in the state exchanges the bill creates to charge women a surcharge of $1 for abortion coverage, effectively underwriting the ghastly procedure with federal funds.
Many have responded, “So what? So what’s a single dollar?” I’ll tell you so what. Is your conscience that cheap? Can you be bought for a dollar? We must not be like the frog in the boiling pot. Next year it will be fifty or one hundred dollars, and then we will pay for an entire policy. In the end all of the hard working taxpayers will pay double or triple in order to pick up the tab for the welfare slouches who have been guaranteed health benefits.
Will we be able to stand up to it? Are we willing to pay a fine or go to jail rather than pay the blood money tribute to King Obama? How much are we willing to suffer to follow Christ? Here is the story of a young girl who faced down the government and lost her life for it.
Eulalia lived in Merida, Spain, during a time of great persecutions of Christians.
In 304 AD, when she was thirteen, she was martyred for refusing to sacrifice to the Roman gods, which of course included the emperor himself.
Eulalia had a chance to avoid being killed when her parents sent her out to the countryside to hide. They knew of her zeal and her yearning to die for Christ if necessary and were afraid of what she might do if given the chance to speak to the Spanish tribunal.
Her desire to witness for Christ and avoid committing idolatry caused Eulalia to escape from the house where she was staying and head straight for the law court of the governor Dacian at Merida. There she professed herself a Christian and began to insult the pagan gods and the emperor Maximian.
“Are you not ashamed to cast your own souls and those of others at once into eternal perdition by denying the only true God, the Father of us all, and the Creator of all Christians, that you may put them to death? Behold, here am I, an adversary of your satanical sacrifices. I confess with heart and mouth God alone.” She went on to tell them that she refused to worship their pagan gods or the emperor.
This enraged the tribunal judge and he called for an executioner. He hoped that this would make her afraid. Before he ordered her to be tortured, he tried bribery and flattery. He addressed her with these soft words-, “How gladly would I spare thee! O that thou mightest renounce before thy death thy perverse views of the Christian religion? Reflect once, what great joy awaits thee, which thou mayest expect in the honorable state of matrimony. Behold, all thy friends weep for thee, and thy sorrow-stricken, well-born kindred sigh aver thee, that thou art to die in the tender bloom of thy young life. See, the servants stand ready to torture thee to death with all sorts of torments; for thou shaft either be beheaded with the sword, or torn by the wild beasts, or singed with torches, which will cause thee to howl and wail, because thou wilt not be able to endure the pain; or, lastly be burned with fire. Thou canst escape all these tortures with little trouble, if thou wilt only take a few grains of salt and incense on the tips of thy fingers, and sacrifice it. (Italics mine. – If thou will only pay thy $1 for this abortion surcharge on the bill – ) Daughter, consent to this, and thou shalt thereby escape all these severe punishments.”
Eulalia would not sacrifice her conscience so cheaply and neither should we.
She did not dignify the judge’s words with a reply but responded by pushing away from her the altar with its pagan images, books, and incense. The tribunal judge got so angry he ordered her torture to begin.
At the judge’s order, two executioners approached her and stripped her. They tore her tender flesh in her sides with iron hooks, so as to leave her rib bones bare. Next lighted torches were applied to her breasts and sides. She did not complain under this torture. Instead of cries, she only taunted her torturers. In looking at the gashes on her body she said, “Behold, Lord Jesus Christ! Thy name is being written on my body; what great delight it affords me to read these letters, because they are signs of Thy victory! Behold, my purple blood confesses Thy holy name.” The fire at length enveloped her hair, surrounding her head and face. Eulalia suffered from flames and smoke inhalation and finally died from breathing it in. She loved her Savior more than her own life.
We don’t have to face torture and death yet, but I see prison sentences just around the corner. Wake up, my sisters. Do all in your power to oppose this trend. Don’t vote for anyone who supports the evil healthcare law. Join a pro-life group and get active. If enough of us protest, we may make our congresspersons strike down the PPACA.
And let us be continually in prayer to God, the One Who is truly the Ruler of the
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And why should not women enter the ministry? The mother heart of God will never be known to the world until translated into speech by mother-hearted women.
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