Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women

Courageous Christian Women

It is enough for the disciple that he become like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If they have called the head of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign the members of his household!
 (Matthew 10:25. Jesus speaking to His disciples about the persecution that is often found in the Christian life.)

His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; . . enter into the joy of your master.
(Matthew 25:21. Jesus tells us of our reward for following in His footsteps.)

If you are a follower of Christ and you keep on walking with Him and maintaining a Christian character, you should expect that people will ridicule you and try to ruin your reputation. We are told very plainly that those who want to follow their own desires hate the people who try to be good. “Misery loves company” is more than just a saying that you hear in counseling circles. Those who hate God cannot stand to be around those who love God. They do not want the Christians shining the light on their dark deeds. So don’t be surprised if you are sidelined or neglected by some groups.

In fact, if the opposite is true, if you are really popular with the unbelieving, worldly crowds of people, then take a look at what you have been doing. Have you compromised your stand on the moral issues? It is very hard to keep to godly standards in a society where everyone is encouraged to do whatever seems right in their own eyes. They will try to make you feel like you are standing out as “narrow minded” or a “bigot” or a “hate monger”. Can you take the heat?

You know that these things are not true. As followers of Christ, we are the ones who love all kinds of people, no matter age, skin color, or nationality. We are the ones who have a Gospel message for the whole world. Will you let their name calling back you into a quiet corner? Keep the Savior in view. He did not back down.

It is as important as it has ever been to take a firm stand on the right side of the fence. There are really only two kinds of people, God tells us: sheep and goats. But, people behave as if there are three categories: those who love and obey God; those who defy and hate God; and the fence sitters.

The fence straddlers think that they can have one leg in each camp. They think that they can love God, but hang out with the God-haters. They want to be liked and accepted in their group. They do not know how to handle name-calling. They are weak and they need some help.

That help may be you. If you stand firm on your side of the fence, maybe they will have the courage to join you. If not, it can be a lonely place for you out there by yourself, but it is important to maintain your testimony or the other side wins. Don’t join the fence sitters.

But there is one area where there is some good news; maybe the day is coming when you won’t be quite so lonely on your side of the fence. This area is the moral issue of the right to life for the unborn. Many pro-lifers have stood alone on the right side of the fence in the past. We are grateful for their courage. We admire them because they stood firm in their claim that human life begins at conception. But, today they have the mounting weight of scientific evidence on their side. Now thanks to ultrasound, women can see that the being in the womb is a child indeed. And the fence sitters are going to have an easier time knowing where the truth is.

For a long time, it seemed that the God-hating abortion rights activists had been having the upper hand. They were able to deceive young girls into killing their unborn babies by arguing that the being in the womb was only a blob of tissue. But thanks to technology, the pro-abortion people have had to change their argument from “abortion-on-demand-no-regrets!’ to ‘abortion as a morally significant event.” Even they cannot deny what they see before their eyes. The pro-death leaders, Kate Michelman and Frances Kissling, admitted in an article in the Los Angeles Times three years ago that they are having a harder time getting support on their side because of the “increased visibility of the fetus.” They’ve had to switch tactics. Now they want to call it a moral issue. It has always been a moral issue. Their dark deeds were covered up before by lies and a friendly media. Now, they are fully in the light and exposed for all to see. Fence sitters, take note: It’s a baby, not a choice!!

We are praying for the day when people like Michelman are completely on the way out.

I am hopeful because there are some trends that are changing for the better. Thankfully, the pro-life groups are growing by leaps and bounds. This is wonderful news and an answer to the prayers of many people. Consider:

1.  Political action is on the rise, and many states are changing their laws to reflect the fact that the unborn child is a human being with rights. In 2011 alone, 24 states have enacted 52 new restrictions on abortion. Five now require an ultrasound before an abortion, two insisting that the screen be in plain view of the mother. This is one of the biggest deterrents to abortion so far. The results are: 80 to 90 percent of the women who have sonograms at pregnancy centers choose to have their baby.

2.  There has been a major shift in the age group of pro-life supporters. In 1973, when abortion on demand was first starting, the largest group by age was the under 30 folks. By the 1990’s, the young women were the second largest group. Today, the pro-life movement is dominated by teenagers and women in their early 20’s. This is very hopeful for the future.

3.  Another wonderful thing that is happening is all of the help for pregnant, unmarried women. There are many places of refuge such as the Crisis Pregnancy Center, which nurture women during their pregnancy and help them decide what is best for their babies. There are nearly three times as many of these centers as there are abortion facilities. More good news – there were 550 pro-life centers in 1999; there are over 1100 today.

There are so many other exciting things happening. In a future blog, I would like to tell the stories of some of the amazing women who are involved and who are making a difference.

In the meantime, rejoice that there are changes coming. But do not let the good news make you complacent. Now is the time to fight harder. Now that the momentum is swinging to the side of truth and love and life, jump in and add your weight to the groundswell.

And remember, The eternal God is your refuge (Deuteronomy 33:27). No matter what the politically correct, God-hating crowd dishes out, you are on the side of the truth and right and justice. Stand firm.

One Response

  1. “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.” Rev. 3:15-16

    What more needs to be said?

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But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

~ Acts 1:8