“Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all flesh will see it together”
(Isaiah 40:5).
As we look forward to another new year, what can we expect? Will this be the year that the whole world is converted to Christ? The Lord has promised us that it will happen and we can pray that the Lord Jesus will come soon.
We look around and see many things are still wrong in the world and anticipate the day when Christ will come bringing in the fullness of His redemption.
The day will come when all of the false gods of the unbelievers will be exposed for what they are. Those who worship money and power will be cast aside. All of the wicked rulers who think that they can coerce peoples to follow them will be thrown down. The false god of Islam, Allah, will be shown to be just that – a phony figment of Mohammad’s imagination. The world will be a better, more just place when those who oppress women and children as the Muslims do are on the decrease and Christianity is on the increase.
We look forward to the day when all of the kings of the earth will bow before THE Prince of Peace, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. All nations will acknowledge the blessed Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many people are pessimistic about the future. They think that things will get worse and worse and the whole world will go to pieces. Perhaps they imagine the whole world will be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. We know that the world and everything in it will be burned up one day (see 2Pet. 3:10). But we do not know when that will happen. Our focus now should be on doing the job that God gave us to do while we look forward to the new heavens and the new earth.
Let us not be discouraged by the long period of God’s delay. We need to take heart and work and struggle to defeat the injustices in this world. That is the job that God has given the church. Everywhere that we help orphans, feed the hungry, visit the poor, and stop injustice against the helpless, we are advancing the kingdom of God. We as women can do much to help the helpless and show mercy to those who are disadvantaged. We can do all of this in the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ.
“Lo, I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20).
While we work to advance God’s kingdom, Jesus has promised to be with us. He is as much with us in our day as He ever was, even in the days when He walked among His disciples.
In His presence, we take courage and He helps us to have the love and compassion that we need to serve others. Knowing that He is with us, we can be assured that we will have every grace that we need, every strength for the work that we can pour our whole hearts and minds into.
Do not be discouraged; bring yourself, with the power of the Holy Spirit, more into conformity with Christ. We will never be able to love as He does with perfect love, but we can strive toward that as a goal.
Remember, He promises to be with us. More than that, He delights to be with us. What a wonderful, amazing thing that our God desires to be with us! This is our motivation to begin the New Year with more love to Him and to others.
“And the Lord shall guide you continually” (Isaiah 58:11).
God has not left us alone here on earth. Jesus promised that He would never leave us or forsake us. We can count on Him. No matter what happens to us in the future, Jesus will be guiding us. We are having hard times in this early part of the twenty-first century. Unemployment is high. Taxes are high. Government intrusion and downright coercion is at an all time high. How can we cope with all of this? We must follow Jesus as closely as possible. We must always be in prayer. We must put ourselves in His presence and feel our union with Him. If we have to change our position in life, or move, He will be with us. If our circumstances change so much that we begin to feel helpless, we can cast all our cares on Him. The government thinks it can run our lives, but God is truly the real Ruler of the universe.
It seems often that we are alone, or in a tiny minority, of those who worship God faithfully. We are derided for believing in God. But even if all others around us were to forsake the Lord, we must stay firm. We can do this because we know that He Who is in us is greater than all the evils of the world (see 1John 4:4). Look at the verse at the beginning of this section again – “The Lord shall guide you continually.” This is a promise. Walk with God, and you will not go astray. You have His infallible wisdom to guide you, His mighty power to strengthen you, His unchanging love to comfort you, and His eternal power to defend you.
This is His promise. He will be with us no matter what. We do not know what the New Year will bring. We can pray with other saints all through the ages, “Even so, Lord Jesus come.” If He tarries still, we pray for justice in this world. As women of faith and courage, we can renew our strength and work even harder this year to bring the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ to all those that God calls us to serve.
Blessed New Year to all!!
Blessed New Year- 2012
“Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all flesh will see it together”
(Isaiah 40:5).
As we look forward to another new year, what can we expect? Will this be the year that the whole world is converted to Christ? The Lord has promised us that it will happen and we can pray that the Lord Jesus will come soon.
We look around and see many things are still wrong in the world and anticipate the day when Christ will come bringing in the fullness of His redemption.
The day will come when all of the false gods of the unbelievers will be exposed for what they are. Those who worship money and power will be cast aside. All of the wicked rulers who think that they can coerce peoples to follow them will be thrown down. The false god of Islam, Allah, will be shown to be just that – a phony figment of Mohammad’s imagination. The world will be a better, more just place when those who oppress women and children as the Muslims do are on the decrease and Christianity is on the increase.
We look forward to the day when all of the kings of the earth will bow before THE Prince of Peace, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. All nations will acknowledge the blessed Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many people are pessimistic about the future. They think that things will get worse and worse and the whole world will go to pieces. Perhaps they imagine the whole world will be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. We know that the world and everything in it will be burned up one day (see 2Pet. 3:10). But we do not know when that will happen. Our focus now should be on doing the job that God gave us to do while we look forward to the new heavens and the new earth.
Let us not be discouraged by the long period of God’s delay. We need to take heart and work and struggle to defeat the injustices in this world. That is the job that God has given the church. Everywhere that we help orphans, feed the hungry, visit the poor, and stop injustice against the helpless, we are advancing the kingdom of God. We as women can do much to help the helpless and show mercy to those who are disadvantaged. We can do all of this in the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ.
“Lo, I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20).
While we work to advance God’s kingdom, Jesus has promised to be with us. He is as much with us in our day as He ever was, even in the days when He walked among His disciples.
In His presence, we take courage and He helps us to have the love and compassion that we need to serve others. Knowing that He is with us, we can be assured that we will have every grace that we need, every strength for the work that we can pour our whole hearts and minds into.
Do not be discouraged; bring yourself, with the power of the Holy Spirit, more into conformity with Christ. We will never be able to love as He does with perfect love, but we can strive toward that as a goal.
Remember, He promises to be with us. More than that, He delights to be with us. What a wonderful, amazing thing that our God desires to be with us! This is our motivation to begin the New Year with more love to Him and to others.
“And the Lord shall guide you continually” (Isaiah 58:11).
God has not left us alone here on earth. Jesus promised that He would never leave us or forsake us. We can count on Him. No matter what happens to us in the future, Jesus will be guiding us. We are having hard times in this early part of the twenty-first century. Unemployment is high. Taxes are high. Government intrusion and downright coercion is at an all time high. How can we cope with all of this? We must follow Jesus as closely as possible. We must always be in prayer. We must put ourselves in His presence and feel our union with Him. If we have to change our position in life, or move, He will be with us. If our circumstances change so much that we begin to feel helpless, we can cast all our cares on Him. The government thinks it can run our lives, but God is truly the real Ruler of the universe.
It seems often that we are alone, or in a tiny minority, of those who worship God faithfully. We are derided for believing in God. But even if all others around us were to forsake the Lord, we must stay firm. We can do this because we know that He Who is in us is greater than all the evils of the world (see 1John 4:4). Look at the verse at the beginning of this section again – “The Lord shall guide you continually.” This is a promise. Walk with God, and you will not go astray. You have His infallible wisdom to guide you, His mighty power to strengthen you, His unchanging love to comfort you, and His eternal power to defend you.
This is His promise. He will be with us no matter what. We do not know what the New Year will bring. We can pray with other saints all through the ages, “Even so, Lord Jesus come.” If He tarries still, we pray for justice in this world. As women of faith and courage, we can renew our strength and work even harder this year to bring the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ to all those that God calls us to serve.
Blessed New Year to all!!
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You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
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