Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women

Astounding Young Women

In my last posting I said that I am encouraged with the way our younger generation is trying to change things for the better. I am so thrilled to say that later in the week two wonderful examples of this showed up in my mailbox.

The first story relates to the fact that the Girl Scouts are entangled with Planned Parenthood. (Please see a previous posting, November 2011, entitled, “Shame on You, Girl Scouts”.) Since then many discerning and disgusted families have taken their daughters out of the Girl Scouts. It used to be a fine organization, helping girls turn into strong, confident women, but now unfortunately, the group is pushing an agenda on girls that really demeans them. I pray that the Scouts would return to their roots and cultivate good morals again.

Here is a story of a young lady who quit her troop, but missed the wonderful cookies. I really like her spunk. I, too miss those wonderful cookies which I have not bought for many years now.

Grace Swanke, 10, could no longer stay in her troop because of its entanglement with Planned Parenthood. She decided to just bake the cookies herself!

At first Grace was going to call her product “Grace’s Cookies” but then she decided to donate the profits to a pro-life project. She wanted to help fund an ultrasound machine for the local pro-life clinic. She like the idea of helping others see the importance of donating money to pro-life causes and so she changed the name of her project to “Cookies for Life”. When women see the life in their wombs in the ultrasound machine, “women choose life,” said Grace.

Grace started her project with a number of baking sessions and raised almost $600 to benefit an ultrasound machine project in her community. This year Grace plans to aid the Stanton Healthcare Center, a medical pro-life women’s center in Boise. They will use the money to help them move to their new location, right next door to Planned Parenthood. Grace’s goal was $700, but she has more than doubled that to $1600.

Word of Grace’s “Cookies for Life” has spread. Her family, friends, and the local community are all behind her. They are all excited about working for a cause they believe in. So far her work has been just on the local level, but how many more “Grace’s” are out there? She is an inspiration and I hope and pray that as women read her story they will be inspired to start home projects to benefit the cause of pro-life as well.

Don’t have time to bake hundreds of cookies every week? Well, here’s another great project for you that will only take a few minutes of your time.

Angela Kim, 15, and five other friends are members of the Teenage Life Club. They have come up with the ambitious project of sending one million letters to the White House and the Supreme Court calling for an end to abortion during the month of March. These six young people live in five different states have taken advantage of their geographical spread to get the word out. I believe that they have a chance for success for their campaign and am praying that the flood of letters will actually exceed their goal.

Already, many churches have joined and more are joining as the word gets out. Also, Bound4Life, the North Carolina Pro-Life Democrats, Texas Right to Life, Pennsylvanians for Human Life, National Pro-Life Radio, a FaceBook page, an e-mail chain, and several blogs, (now 1 more!) are spreading the word like wildfire.

This morning, I went to their Website ( and read the information on the campaign. They have some suggestions for you if you don’t know what to write. Don’t worry about just repeating their main points in your own words. It will actually send a strong message to the White House and the Supreme Court when they realize how many people care about the unborn and that we are in touch with each other and that we mean to keep on speaking up on behalf of the unborn until we get justice for them.

This project, start to finish, took me about 15 minutes. Don’t forget to take the survey that they conveniently linked to on the information page. It will only take you 25 seconds at most. It is very important.

I have encouraged women to be active in some way to help the unborn on this blog-site before. I know that we are all busy. What could be more important than saving lives, especially the lives of helpless little ones who cannot speak for themselves? This project will only cost you 15 minutes of your time and 90 cents. Please encourage all of your friends, family, and church members to join in. We have three weeks to go, but don’t wait. Click off of me, and click onto while you are thinking about it. It will give you a good feeling.

Angela and the other young women are already seeing some fruits coming from their effort, including an increase in the interest in Pro-Life causes in general.

“I know a lot of adults, teens, and young children who want to take part and help out in the pro-life movement but do not know where to start. A part of this campaign is to open the opportunity for people to start,” Angela relates. “Many Christians around me are becoming actively pro-life because of this campaign, and God has really blessed us.”

The girls are not certain if the goal will be reached or not, but are leaving the results to God. Personally, I congratulate them on their idea and their willingness to do something to protect the unborn. I am grateful that they made a way for busy women to become involved.

These young people are an encouragement to us. Let’s help them out and pray for God to raise up some more!

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“People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn’t true… No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in.”

~ Rosa Parks