Hi! I'm Mary Walker
Thirteen years ago I began a blog to tell the stories of women in the Bible and history. I was studying theology and other subjects in seminary, and I found very few secular history books that featured women and almost no Church history books presenting the stories of women.
This surprised me because half of God’s children are female. Surely, some women must have done something to help build the Kingdom of God. I began to research the stories of women and uncovered thousands of accounts of the amazing deeds of God’s daughters.
Sadly, I also uncovered the reason why there are so few stories especially in Church history books about women. It has been felt for centuries that women just don’t stack up in intellect or ability as men and therefore have not done anything deserving of a mention.
Some men even say (erroneously) that the Bible forbids women to serve in church.
I do not seek to tackle the so-called “gender war” with vituperative rebuttals. I feel that relating the stories of the lives of women is a peaceful, compelling, and educational way to demonstrate that women are capable of more than you would suppose. These are true stories about remarkable women who helped thousands, if not millions, of people to obtain a better life.
And so, that is the main purpose of this website – to raise up the perception of women by telling their stories. There are nearly 500 stories of women in the Bible and history on the “Meditations with Mary” section of this site. You will also find stories in my books – Women of Faith and Courage (2020) and Women of Peace and Justice (2021). A third book, Women of Truth and Righteousness is due out later in 2023.
Jesus gave the Church the Great Commission – “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19,20). This is a huge assignment for the Church and everyone, male and female, needs to be able to serve in whatever way they are called by God.
By relating the stories of the remarkable women who have excelled in every task imaginable in the service of the Lord Jesus I believe I have demonstrated that women have an equal place alongside with men in the family, the Church, and the world.
“Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.” C. S. Lewis
Mary Walker (DMin – Portland Seminary, Leadership and Global Perspectives), (MA – Western Seminary, Bible and Theology), (BA – Western Oregon University, Business Administration) lives with husband Steve in Oregon. They have four children and seven grandchildren. Mary also enjoys gardening, food preservation, and reading mysteries.
Mary is the author of two books in her series on “Women in the Bible and History” –
Women of Faith and Courage (2020) and Women of Peace and Justice (2021). A third book, Women of Truth and Righteousness is due out later in 2023.
An avid blogger, Mary has written nearly 500 stories of women in the Bible and history. When she is not doing accounting, gardening, cooking, or researching and writing, Mary maintains a respectful and cozy relationship with her cat, Fianoula.