Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women

Wafa Sultan – Courage Under Fire

There are many threats to our freedoms today. Christians have lost their First Amendment rights in the public square. All American citizens have lost their Fourth Amendment rights at airports. Individual States are trying really hard to get the federal government to honor the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, especially in areas where they can see that we are losing our freedoms. These are all threats from within our country.

I believe that there is a very dangerous threat from outside of our borders, that is infiltrating our land – Islam. We need to wake up and see what the real issues are with this religion. If we would see that Islam is not a benevolent religion, and act accordingly, we will avert a lot of trouble.

I know that this is hard for us in the United States. After all, we are a “melting pot” of many peoples and faiths. We know that our ancestors from not many generations ago came to this country for a better life and we want to be accepting of everyone.

But Islam is an evil religion. It is not just a religion; it is a Muslim’s total way of life totally including their government. In most Islamic countries it is against the law to be anything else. All other faiths are persecuted.

We have been fed a lie by our president, the son of a devout Muslim. He would like us to think that Muslims are peaceful. Maybe the ones who have escaped their oppressive countries and come to the freedom of the United States are peaceful. But in the main, the Muslim world is an evil, oppressive world. Please get a copy of the Koran and read all of the places where Muhammad tells his followers to kill infidels. For Muslims there is only “them” – infidels, and “us”, the followers of Allah. Allah is NOT the God of the Bible by the way. Allah is hateful, vengeful, autocratic, and a persecutor of women and children. The Muslim religion is nothing like Christianity or Judaism.

Wafa Sultan is a remarkably brave woman who tells the truth about Islam. I highly recommend her book, A God Who Hates, published in 2009, by St. Martin’s Press in New York.


Wafa was raised in Syria. She was educated as a doctor, a psychiatrist,  and practiced in Syria. She tells of the double standard in that country between how men were treated and how women were treated.

She grew to really want freedom for herself and her family, so she left and came to the United States. That was in 1988. She wanted to be a writer. and she wrote articles in Arabic for her former countrymen. She became quite popular and some years later was invited to be a speaker on  – “Al Jazeera”, the Arab TV network.

This historic television interview was aired on February 21, 2006. The host of the show told Wafa that they were interested in hearing her comments on the connection between Islamic teachings and terrorism.

Wafa says of this event, “Never in the history of Islam has a woman silenced a man’s clamor with her calmness or overcome his shouts by her ability to talk and convince.”  This was the first time in history that a woman defeated a Muslim male in a conversation. The preacher was angry and “raided” Wafa’s time reserved for her to give her final remarks on the show. He tried to steal the rest of the few minutes remaining on the show for himself.

Wafa tells of her historic response, which went around the world. “Time seemed too short and too precious for me to waste even a second of it, and I shouted at him: ‘Be quiet! It’s my turn!’ I uttered this sentence without realizing that it would open a new chapter in Arab and Muslim history. Never in the history of Islam has a woman clearly and forcefully asked a Muslim man to be quiet because it was her turn to speak. Women in Islamic custom and tradition don’t have a turn.. . . women in Islam don’t even possess their own selves, or the right to make their own decisions.” (pages 111-113 in her book.)
(You can find a short video of her defiant remarks to the Arab preacher who was a guest on the show, on the Internet. Highly recommended for anyone who believes in the cause of freedom.) [youtube]

I have been posting stories of courageous women. Wafa is one of the most courageous. Since her outburst against the Muslim preacher, she has been threatened by many Muslims with death. In her book she warns us about the evils of Islam. We need to pay attention.

How can we, as Christian women respond to this?

First of all we can pray. Muslims are lost just like anyone else who denies the Lord Jesus Christ. We must witness to the truth to all of the Muslims who seem to be coming to this country.

As of the writing of her book, Wafa did not seem to want to put her faith in any god. Who can blame her? But I have been praying that Yahweh, the real God would touch her life with His love and she would find the peace and joy that comes only in knowing Christ.

Secondly, we need to educate ourselves as to the truth of Islam. It really is an evil religion and it has an evil founder, Muhammad. Here is just a sampling of what you will find if you read Wafa’s book or research that religion.

Muhammad knew that he needed to get the people to obey him and the all rulers in Islam absolutely. He said, “Whosoever obeys me obeys God, and he who obeys my emir obeys me. Whosoever disobeys me disobeys God, and he who disobeys my emir disobeys me.” I think that this is pretty plain. Like all false prophets, Muhammad is full of conceit.

But what kind of a ruler are the Muslim people following?

Muhammad called his followers to wage war on all those who are not Muslims. In the Koran is this verse, “Let those who would exchange the life of this world for the hereafter, fight for the cause of Allah.” If a Muslim wants to go to paradise “jihad is the only way to guarantee their entry to paradise in the hereafter.” No, the Muslim religion is NOT a peaceful religion.

Islam differs from other religions in that it not only threatens hell for nonbelievers; it also threatens death. People blindly follow Muhammad’s teachings because they fear the feeling of sword at their throat.

This great fear keeps people in subservience to their leaders. How many would at least question their rulers if they knew about the life of the man they are supposed to emulate? It is not wonder that Muslim men treat women and children as possessions to be used rather than human beings to be loved and cherished.

Consider this one story among many of Muhammad’s cruelty.

The Koran contains a “good example in Allah’s apostle” for marriage. “The Prophet contracted his marriage with Aisha when she was six years old and he was fifty. The marriage was consummated when she was nine.”

Not only is this ugly and criminal, but it has wider implications for Muslims. A child is only the property of her father and has no value of her own. Children in Muslim homes are taught to obey their fathers in fear.

Compare this to what our loving God of Christianity teaches us about children, “Behold, children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward.” (Psalm 127:3). Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16). Truly the Lord considers children to be special.  And the apostle Paul warns, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4). This is clearly a loving and nurturing action.

I am thankful to God that He brought Wafa Sultan to our country. I pray that people will listen to her and understand the danger that Islam presents to our freedoms if we ever let it take hold here. We must be as bold as she is. We must not fall for the politically correct view of Islam. Islam is against freedom for everyone except the leaders.

True freedom is found only in Jesus Christ. Our country was founded on Christian principles and that is why we have been so free for so long. As we move away from God and the Bible, we give up our freedoms.

Wafa believes that the problems in the world are not a clash between religious cultures. She believes it is a “battle between modernity and barbarism”. I really admire and respect Wafa’s courage. I am thankful that she speaks out in spite of the threats against her life. However, I believe that the battle is indeed between God and those who hate Him. It is a religious battle, because Islam is a comprehensive religion. What Islam teaches, Islam is and does.



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~ Condoleezza Rice