Educating, Inspiring, and Motivating Christian Women

The Courage to Trust God With Life

Pro-choice?!! I say let’s GIVE THE CHOICE TO THE BABY! Let’s ask the baby what she wants and let her choose. Will she choose life, or will she choose a horrible death by dismemberment or burning by saline solution and eventual suction of her body parts out of her mother’s womb. What do you think she might choose if you asked her?

The women who call themselves ‘pro-choice’ are really hypocrites. They are not the ones whose lives are at stake. They are not the ones who are living helpless in a supposed place of safety – a mother’s womb- hoping that that person who created their life will nurture and care for them. These women are really playing ‘God’.

But only God really gets to choose. He is the author of all of life and He does not allow human beings to murder other human beings.

And that is what abortion is – it’s murder. It is not a ‘choice’.

Here are the stories of two special people who were not killed, because their mothers knew that God had given them a baby and they would accept that baby as from His hand.  These mothers did not know that their children would grow up to be international stars. These mothers simply knew that it was the right thing to do to let their babies live. These mothers knew that only God has the choice. They acted out of love for their babies.

This Blog is about courageous women, but we will include one man here because his story is really about his mother.

“What would the world have been like without Andrea Bocelli, Italian pop, opera, and classical singer? With millions of infants having been victim to abortion, the blind international music sensation has revealed that he too could have been one more abortion statistic,” states Peter J. Smith of LifeSiteNews. (Rome, June 4, 2010)
Andrea Bocelli has been active in a project known as the Whole Life Initiative, which is dedicated to promoting “a respect for the intrinsic dignity of the human person regardless of ability, age, status, ethnicity or sex.”

His own story is very special. He tells it this way:

A young woman was hospitalized and treated for a simple attack of appendicitis. The doctors suggested to his mother that she abort the child because the  child would be born with a disability. “But the young brave wife decided not ot abort,and the child was born,” recounts Bocelli. “That woman was my mother, and I was the child.” Bocelli was born in 1958 to Alessandro and Edi Bocelli. At his birth, doctors diagnosed him as having congenital glaucoma, and by age 12 he was completely blind. 
“Maybe I am partisan, but I can say it was the right choice,” said Bocelli.

Millions of Bocelli’s fans worldwide would agree. In spite of this disability, Bocelli developed a passion for music, that would lead to a career of international hit singles, eight operas, and 70 million copies of his albums.  For years Bocelli used to be an agnostic, but returned to his Christian Catholic faith in 1994 in part due to reading the works of Leo Tolstoy, which are said to have convinced him that life was not random chance, but had a purpose. 
Bocelli said he hoped that the story of his brave mother “could encourage many mothers that find themselves in difficult situations in those moments when life is complicated, but want to save the life of their baby.” (see for the complete article)

Andrea Bocelli is devoting much time to encouraging other young mothers to carry their babies to birth. He has a video on YouTube and there are other inspiring stories on at the website –

Another amazing star who has recently told the public that she almost did not live to see the light of day is the singing phenomenon Susan Boyle.

In an article in, Susan tells her story:

The 49-year-old native of Blackburn, a village in West Lothian, Scotland would never have dreamed the dream of singing on the international stage, if her mother had agreed to abort her on the advice of doctors. In her autobiography, The Woman I Was Born To Be, Susan reveals that doctors recommended a “termination” to her mother, Bridget Boyle, who already was a mother of eight children, because they feared physical complications. Susan said that her mother rejected this advice as “unthinkable” since she was a “devout Catholic.”

When she was born by emergency c-section, doctors did not tell her mother the usual “Congratulations, Mrs. Boyle! A beautiful baby girl.” Susan wrote that doctors took a dismissive view of her life – especially when they suspected brain damage due to oxygen deprivation.

“‘It’s probably best to accept Susan will never be anything,” Susan recounted the doctors telling her mother. “‘Susan will never come to anything so don’t expect too much of her.’”

“I’m sure they had the best of intentions,” she continued, “but I don’t think they should have said that, because nobody can foretell the future.” “What they didn’t know was that I am a bit of a fighter, and I’ve been trying all my life to prove them wrong.” (You can read the rest of her story on I encourage you to check in to their site daily and read how many people are fighting for the rights of the unborn.)

No baby is a “mistake”. It may seem that way to the doctors sometimes, but God has created these little ones and he will give the mothers and fathers the courage to care for them. No doctor has the right to tell a mother to kill her child just because the child may be less than perfect. No woman has the right to ‘choose’ to kill her child for the sake of her convenience.

And God has blessed us with the gifts and talents He has given these amazing people whose mothers were brave enough to let them live. What would our world be like without them?

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Unlike their European counterparts, these women were influential in tribal politics and decision-making, but little was recorded about them and colonization eventually subjugated their authoritative roles.

~ Sharon Irla (Cherokee)